Tony Blair discusses the impact of faith and globalisation on Hong Kong and the wider world
14 Jun 2012
The Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Founder and Patron of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation delivered a key note speech and answered questions on the impact of faith and globalisation on Hong Kong and the wider region, at a lecture held in the University of Hong Kong (HKU) today (14 June 2012).
The lecture inaugurated the partnership between the Tony Blair Faith Foundation’s global network of leading universities, the Faith and Globalisation Initiative (FGI) and HKU’s Faith and Global Engagement Initiative.
In the lecture, Tony Blair discussed the importance of understanding the impact of religion in today’s modern world. In the context of Hong Kong and the region, he addressed how - as globalisation progresses - an erosion of traditional borders and a greater and increasingly diverse integration of people and beliefs is occurring.
Following the lecture, Tony Blair officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Tony Blair Faith Foundation and HKU.
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In Hong Kong :
Ms Trinni Choy
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[email protected]
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Susie McShane
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The Tony Blair Faith Foundation’s Faith and Globalisation Initiative (FGI) is a network of leading universities around the world, collectively exploring the relationship between religion and globalisation. Through the Faith and Globalisation network, the Tony Blair Faith Foundation is supporting policy makers, and future leaders, equipping them to appreciate religion’s presence in the world and its relationship to decision-making and public policy.
Significantly HKU is the ninth university in the world and the second in China (following Peking University) to join FGI.
In collaboration with other FGI partner institutions, HKU’s Faith and Global Engagement Initiative will explore topics including religion and conflict, religion in public life, and human rights bringing critical analysis to the forefront of global debate.
The new Faith and Global Engagement initiative course at HKU will bring a unique perspective to the academic and policy analysis of the relationship between faith and globalisation. Hong Kong’s position at the nexus of East/West relations, adds an important voice to this global debate.
About the Tony Blair Faith Foundation
In an increasingly globalised world, religion is at the very core of life for billions of people and it cannot be ignored. The Tony Blair Faith Foundation aims to promote respect and understanding between the major religions. We empower, support and train young people in over 100 countries to take multi-faith action to eliminate deaths from malaria, providing them with a positive alternative to those who try to use faith as a means to divide. We provide emerging and current leaders with the education and analysis to understand the role of religion in the modern world and we break down barriers between young people of all faiths and none by using new technology to connect them.
Faith & Globalisation Initiative
The Faith & Globalisation Initiative is a network of leading universities on every continent which undertakes academic teaching and research to develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between faith and globalisation. The results help emerging leaders understand how faith motivates people, and analyses the impact of religion on the modern world.
Religious literacy and an understanding of faith and globalisation is an essential part of modern government. Through the Faith and Globalisation network, the Tony Blair Faith Foundation is nurturing a generation of graduates who are equipped with the knowledge and understanding to appreciate the role of religion in the world, understand how it motivates decision-making and public policy, and who can use these insights in their futures.
The Faith and Global Engagement initiative at the University of Hong Kong
Faith and Global Engagement initiative at HKU: The FGE initiative is a newly formed affiliation of academics at HKU. It aims to create a hub for academic research and a platform for experts to address how issues of faith intersect with the public, professional and cultural life of the region. Its mission is to foster a better society by informing and inspiring leaders to understand the vital role that faith plays in modern life.
The FGE is open to everyone regardless of their beliefs, religious or secular. It hosts discussions from a Christian scholarly tradition, welcoming those who inhabit other traditions to share ideas in an environment of mutual respect. The FGE aims to integrate faith and scholarship with social responsibility, producing knowledge that engages with the world in relevant, reflective and practical ways.