HKU partners with TCL to establish a Joint Research Laboratory for
New Printable OLED Materials and Technology
02 Aug 2017
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and TCL Corporation Ltd (TCL) have established a strategic partnership and held an opening ceremony of the “HKU-TCL Joint Laboratory for New Printable OLED Materials and Technology” today. President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Mathieson of HKU and Chief Executive Officer Mr Dongsheng Li of TCL officiated at the ceremony.
The HKU-TCL Joint Laboratory for New Printable OLED Materials and Technology is to combine HKU’s strength in applying technological innovation and TCL’s leadership in the industry with an objective to foster the collaborative effort in developing the high performance solution-processable gold(III) complexes that are capable of serving as phosphorescent dopants in the fabrication of OLEDs and to explore their possibilities for preparing printable inks for commercialization.
Professor Vivian W W Yam, Director and Chief Scientist of the HKU-TCL Joint Laboratory as well as Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy, is delighted to partner with TCL in advancing translational research. She said: “The establishment of this HKU-TCL Joint Laboratory is timely. It will not only provide a technology platform for facilitating the collaboration with industries in the Mainland and the Guangdong Province region, for motivating midstream to downstream R&D and commercialization activities, but also in pushing basic research excellence towards translational research activities in an area of high global topical interests that leverage the unique and outstanding strengths in HKU.”.
“The synergistic partnership is complementary and mutually enhancing, creating a win-win formula for HKU and TCL and the industry in the Greater China. I have each and every confidence that the Joint Laboratory will be a successful one with promising achievements to become a world-leading center in the area of new OLED materials and technology.” Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKU remarked.
About TCL Corporation Ltd.
TCL Corporation Ltd has developed a partnership with Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) to set up an international R&D base in Phase 3 of the Hong Kong Science Park, where TCL Corporation Ltd becomes one of the three largest partners of the Hong Kong Science Park to date. TCL Corporation Ltd aims to attract global R&D experts and further its reach into the major markets across the Asia Pacific region, and plans to collaborate with local universities and research institutes that the Hong Kong Science Park has long-standing collaboration with on design, process and product innovations.
Media enquiry:
Ms Cindy Chan, Faculty of Science (tel: 3917 5286/ 6703 0212; email: [email protected]);
Ms Rhea Leung, Communication and Public Affairs Office (tel: 2857 8555; email: [email protected]).