Hong Kong Political Reform Series: What is Happening to Our Political System?
Allen Lee, Former Member, National People's Congress
Joseph Lian, Columnist, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Former Member, CPU
Ray Yep, Research Director, SynergyNet
Professor Anthony Cheung, Non-Official Member, Executive Council
Horace Cheung, Vice Chairman, DAB
Professor Joseph Cheng, Former Secretary-General, Civic Party
Professor Michael DeGolyer, Director, Hong Kong Transition Project
Simon N. M. Young, Director, Centre for Comparative and Public Law
Eliza Lee, Director, Centre for Civil Society and Governance
Date: 21 April 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 9:10 am - 1:30 pm
Venue: Theatre 2, G/F Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Language: English
For seat reservation or enquiries, please contact Ms Flora Leung by email at [email protected] or by phone at 2859 2941.
香港大學文學院在2012年將舉辦一系列纪念活動,慶祝文學院建院一百周年。在2012年稍後,文學院將遷往百周年校園的新大樓。 為了紀念這一盛事,文學院師生及校友將於2012年4月22日(星期日)在本部大樓及陸佑堂舉行歡送儀式 - 送別這所由文學院延用近百年的歷史建築物,並開展歷史新一頁。
歡送儀式由香港特別行政區前政務司司長陳方安生女士GBM, GCMG, CBE, JP作主禮嘉賓,並邀請林舜玲教授及梁秉鈞教授(也斯)頌讀詩篇;學院藝術家張婉婷小姐及羅啟銳先生頒發港大文學院短片及錄像比賽獎項;香港室樂團演奏海頓《告別交響曲》第一及第四首樂章;及由學院藝術家龍向榮博士帶領敲擊樂巡遊,率領文學院仝人惜別這所百年大樓。
傳媒查詢:請聯絡港大傳訊及公共事務處助理總監(傳媒)徐佩瑩小姐 (電話︰2859 2606/電郵︰[email protected])或港大傳訊及公共事務處經理(傳媒)尹慧筠小姐 (電話︰2859 2600/電郵︰[email protected])。
「流金頌社區計劃 - 恩悅中風復康服務」分享會
- 與醫護及社會服務界分享推行中風復康服務的經驗
- 探討未來復康服務的模式
時間:上午10時30分 - 下午12時30分
地點:沙田威爾斯親王醫院 臨床醫學大樓二樓演講廳
傳媒查詢:2799 8118 (黃小姐)
HKUL Centenary Book Talk: Dr Raees Baig on East and West
About the Book
In June of 1997, over a century and a half of British rule in Hong Kong came to an end. Chris Patten writes about his experiences as the last governor of the colony of Hong Kong. He explains why he adopted the stance that he did, and how he fought his battles.
Speaker: Dr Raees Baig (碧樺依博士)
Moderator: Dr Law Chi Kwong (羅致光博士), Department of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU
Date: 27 April 2012 (Friday)
Time: 7:15 - 9:00 pm
Venue: Multi-purpose Area, Level 3, Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Language: English
About the Speaker
After receiving her doctoral degree, Raees joined the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and is currently responsible for the project on social impact assessment. Prior to her study, she worked for the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor and was responsible for the campaign on anti-racial discrimination and other human rights issues, such as children's rights and sexual orientation.
Raees obtained her doctorate degree from the University of Hong Kong with her thesis focused on racial equality and policy making in Hong Kong. She has actively presented at local and international conferences on research areas including migration, colonialism and human rights development.
Raees has also been actively involved in community affairs, especially in the areas concerning equality and human rights. In actively upholding her passion for advocacy work, she is also a serving board member for Hong Kong Unison and Amnesty International, Hong Kong Section.
For enquiries, please contact Marina Yeung by email at [email protected]
「香港大學每週活動推介」逢星期五以電郵傳送給登記客戶,如想登記,請致電郵 [email protected] 給何小姐。謝謝。