香港大學Project WATERMAN公開講座 「香港近海水質預報及管理系統」
香港大學Project WATERMAN將於4月至9月舉行三場公開講座 ,主題分別有關香港海灘水質實時預報系統,三維環境影響評估系統,以及漁業管理及紅潮預報系統。第一場講座將於4月26日下午6時假香港中央圖書館地下演講廳舉行,主題為「香港海灘水質實時預報系統」。講者李行偉教授(Project WATERMAN項目負責人)將介紹「WATERMAN系統」的基本原理,以及市民和泳客如何能從中獲益。 是次講座,承蒙香港特別行政區環境局常任秘書長/環境保護署署長王倩儀太平紳士及香港賽馬會慈善事務高級經理鄧家鳳女士蒞臨,為講座作開幕致詞。
講者:港大Project WATERMAN 項目負責人﹑香港科技大學副校長(研發及研究生教育)李行偉教授
日期: 2011年4月26日(星期二)
時間: 下午6 時至 7時15分
地點: 香港銅鑼灣高士威道66號HKU Conference "Recognition and the Politics of Identity and Inclusion in the 21st Century"
The two-day conference is part of HKU's Emerging Strategic Research Theme on Diversity Studies and seeks to explore the changing dimensions of the politics of identity and inclusion and their implications for governance and the protection of minority communities in plural societies.
Keynote Speech:
Ms. Gay J. McDougall, United Nations Independent Expert on Minority Issues
The Right to Be Me: Equality Wars on the Ground
Panel Topics:
- Religion and the State: Fissured Discourses on Secularism, Accommodation and Tolerance
- Inclusion and Recognition: A Rights-Oriented Approach
- Legal Pluralism and Cultural Diversity
- Unraveling Prejudice: The Rights of Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Addressing Marginalisation and Inequality
- Diversity and Inclusion in Education
- National, Multiple and Fluid Identities: The New Politics of Identity and Recognition
- Citizenship and Belonging in Diverse Societies
- Investing in the Future: Towards Inclusive Societies
For the full conference programme, please visit: http://www.law.hku.hk/diversity/?page_id=17.
Date and time:
April 28, 2011 (Thursday), 8:15 am - 6:30 pm
April 29, 2011 (Friday) 9:00 am - 6:15 pm
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
Language: English
Please register online at www.law.hku.hk/diversity/ to reserve a place.
For enquiries, please email Flora Leung at [email protected]
Workshop on China's Changing Regional Development: Trends, Strategies and Challenges in the 12th Five Year Plan Period
As the 12th Five Year Plan is being drawn, it is imperative to examine China's changing pattern in regional development as it is expediting economic transformation and integrating further with the global economy. The conference aims to understand the changing strategies and patterns of China's regional development and explore the trends that are becoming increasingly prominent in its 12th Five Year Plan Period (2011-2015). Key issues to address include:
(a) the governance of economic and regional development in China's major economic regions,
(b) the rapid development of infrastructure and its relations with urban and regional development,
(c) the growth of key economic sectors such as the producer services, and
(d) the policy rationale behind readjustments in China's spatial and regional development strategy and its relationship with national development planning.
Dept. of Politics and Public Administration, HKU
Dept. of Geography, HKU
Date: April 29, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 9am to 6pm
Venue: Council Chamber, 8/F., Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Language: Putonghua
For enquiries, please contact L F Chan by email at [email protected]
「香港大學每週活動推介」逢星期五以電郵傳送給登記客戶,如想登記,請致電郵 [email protected] 給何小姐。謝謝。