WINTER INSTITUTE 2010, Faculty of Education, HKU
03 Dec 2010
As the custodian of an emerging Strategic Research Theme (eSRT) within HKU, the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences under the Faculty of Education has an vision - to share knowledge about the work of colleagues at HKU that is related to the broad theme of Communication Disorders.
Together with the eSRT Communication Disorders and Centre for Communication Disorders under the Faculty, the Division will be organizing the Winter Institute, under which a one day symposium on Promoting Healthy Communication across the Lifespan will be held with details as follows. Invited international experts and local speakers from HKU will discuss and share at the symposium.
Media representatives are cordially invited to attend the symposium. Details are as follows:
Date: December 4, 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 8:45am - 6:00pm
Venue: Robert Black College, The University of Hong Kong
Langauge: English
For media enquiries, please contact Professor Brendan Weeks, Chair Professor, Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Faculty of Education, HKU (email: [email protected]).
Symposium on "Promoting Healthy Communication across the Lifespan"
Registration 8:00am - 8:45am
Introduction 8:45am - 9:00am
Stephen Andrews (Dean of Education), Brendan Weekes, Tara Whitehill, Steve Xue and John Burns
Helen Chenery, Queensland - Dementia Education Programs (9:00am - 9:45am)
Terry Au, Psychology, HKU - Salvaging a Childhood Language (9:45am - 10:30am)
Proposed Chair
John Burns, Shepherd of eSRT in Communication Disorders at University of Hong Kong
Break 10:30am - 10:45am
Plenary 1 - Chair, Bruce Abernathy, Institute Human Performance (IHP)
Jubin Abutalebi, Milan - Bilingualism - Good for your Health (10:45am - 11.15am)
Karen Chan, SHS, HKU - Preventing Teacher Voice Problems (11:15am - 11.45am)
Lawrence Ng, SHS, HKU - Speaking without a Voice Box (11:45am - 12.15pm)
Olga Zayts, Linguistics - Genetic Counseling (12:15pm - 12:45pm)
Lunch 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Plenary 2 - Proposed Chair, Pak Sham, Psychiatry
Jane Hornickel, Northwestern - Audiology and Reading (2:00pm - 2:30pm)
Carol To, SHS , HKU - Multilingual Acquisition and Disorder (2:30pm - 3:00pm)
Graine McAlonan, Psychiatry, HKU - Autism and Brain Imaging (3:00pm - 3:30pm)
Break 3:30pm - 3:45pm
Plenary 3 - Chair, Tara Whitehill, Speech and Hearing Sciences (SHS)
Cindy Sit, IHP, HKU - Promoting Physical Activity (3:45pm - 4:15pm)
Stavros Skouras, Frei Berlin- Music and Learning Disability (4:15pm - 4.45pm)
Estella Ma, SHS, HKU - Voice Disorders in Children (4:45pm - 5:15pm)
Break 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Discussant, Brendan Weekes - Speech and Hearing Sciences (5:30pm - 6:00pm)