A research team led by Dr Celia Hoi Yan Chan, Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong, conducted an online survey on “Political Participation and Intentions, Values and Psychological Distress among Youth in Hong Kong” between January and April 2020 after the anti-extradition bill protests. Over 700 young people aged 15 to 25 studying in secondary schools or above were surveyed on their attitudes, frequency and modes of political participation and intentions, and underlying values, and their psychological well-being due to the social conflicts and tensions.
The findings reveal a moderately high level of intention among the respondents to participate in legal non-violent and illegal violent political activities. The report also reveals an alarming level of severe to extremely severe depression and anxiety among youth in Hong Kong, where some of the effects may be long-termed.
Dr Chan will hold a media briefing via Zoom on August 27 (Thursday) to release research findings and recommendations on communication strategies with youth and measures to address their mental health issues.
Details of the media conference as follows:
Date: August 27, 2020 (Thursday)
Time: 10:30 am
(The press release and findings will be sent to the media in advance at 10am)
Zoom Meeting:
Link: https://hku.zoom.us/j/94477336493?pwd=NUZ5RUhrZnlnV21Oa3NyQzQ2MExHUT09
ID: 944 7733 6493
Password: 076984
Media Contact:
Ms. Melanie Wan, Senior Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office, HKU
Phone: 2859 2600 | Email: [email protected]