Global Youth Entrepreneurs Forum 2017
09 Jun 2017
Organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) and HKU DreamCatchers, Global Youth Entrepreneurs Forum 2017 will be held in Hong Kong and Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub respectively on June 13 and 14, 2017. With a theme on “WE THE FUTURE”, the two-day forum continues to offer an ideal platform for over 1,000 youth entrepreneurs from 33 countries and regions around the world to share, generate greater business ideas and expand networks.
Leading figures from various fields and startups, speaker line-up includes Mr. Net JACOBSSON, Co-founder & partner, SparkLabs Global Ventures (Sweden), Mr. Dov MORAN, Managing Partner, Grove Ventures (Israel), Ms. Sandy DIAO (Director of Strategic Programs, Indiegogo) (USA), Ms. Sabrina W. FUNG, Group Managing Director, Fung Retailing Limited (Hong Kong) and over 60 overseas and Mainland China young entrepreneurs will be speakers and hosts on concurrent workshops to lead discussions including innovating global business trend in the future, deconstruct fast-growing companies, Asia Entrepreneurship blooms and suchlike.
Global Youth Entrepreneurs Forum 2017 is organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and HKU DreamCatchers. Co-organisers include Shenzhen Youth Federation, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub and The Dragon Foundation, while Victor and William Fung Foundation Limited serves as the major sponsor.
The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups organised the first Global Youth Entrepreneurs Forum in 2014, and has built a global network of over 3,500 participants from over 30 regions and countries. HKU DreamCatchers held its Inaugural Forum in 2015 with Pony Ma and 60 other speakers. It is HKU’s flagship entrepreneurship initiative with a vibrant network of 3,000 students, alumni, friends and collaborators.
You are cordially invited to attend the forum. Details are as follows:
Date: 13 June, 2017 (Tuesday)
Venue: Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus, the University of Hong Kong
Language: English and Putonghua (Specific panels with simultaneous interpretation)
Time: 09:45am to 10:30am
The Hon Nicholas W. YANG, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government
Mr. K. M. WONG, BBS, JP, Director, The Victor and William Fung Foundation
Mr. YANG Cheng-wei, Deputy Director-General, Department of Youth Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR
Mr. Sun Hai-wei, Assistant Director of Shenzhen Qianhai Authority
Ms. Sabrina W. FUNG, Group Managing Director, Fung Retailing Limited
Mr. Dov MORAN, Managing Partner, Grove Ventures; USB memory stick inventor (Israel)
Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong
Dr. Rosanna WONG, DBE, JP, Executive Director of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
Plenary Session: Innovation in China: a game changer for Hong Kong?
Time: 10:30am to 11:15am
The Hon Nicholas W. YANG, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government
Mr. Leong CHEUNG, Executive Director, Charities & Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Mr. Albert WONG, Chief Executive Officer, HK Science Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
Mr. Horatio WONG, (Partner, PwC Hong Kong)
Keynote Session: A Tale of Three Cities: Innovations and Creativity
Time: 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Moderator: Ms. Anjani TRIVEDI, Columnist, Heard on the Street, The Wall Street Journal
Mr. Dov MORAN, Managing Partner, Grove Ventures; USB memory stick inventor (Israel)
Mr. Net JACOBSSON, Co-founder & Partner, SparkLabs Global Ventures (Israel/ Sweden)
Prof. W John KAO, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global), The University of Hong Kong
Mr. Antony LEUNG, Group Chairman & CEO, Nan Fung Group (Hong Kong)
Mr. Alex WANG, Management Partner, Cybernaut Investment Group (Mainland China)
Pitching Demonstration
Hardly can young talents expand their startups without a platform to seek investment, this Pitching Demonstration will allow six selected outstanding local entrepreneurs to showcase their most innovative ideas to the judges on a world stage to win “Judges’ Choice Award” and “People’s Choice Award”.
Time: 3:10pm to 4:10pm
#Media are also welcome to sit in on the discussion on “Close encounter with the Pro” (from 1.00pm to 1.45pm). However, press members will not be able to participate in the discussion.
Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation.
For media registration and enquiries, please contact:
HKFYG Corporate Communications Office
Ms. Miranda Ho
Tel: 3755 7044/9129 2589
Email: [email protected]
Development & Alumni Affairs Office, HKU
Ms Polo Leung
Tel: 3917 1732
Email: [email protected]