HKU weekly notice (from July 6 to July 12, 2013)
05 Jul 2013
Exquisite Craftsmanship: Exhibition of the Japanese Cloisonné Enamels and Embroideries of the Meiji Period from the Collections of the Ise Foundation
The University Museum and Art Gallery will present an exhibition of 56 cloisonné enamels and 16 embroidered textiles from the collections of the Ise Foundation in Tokyo, Japan, starting from 6 July to 1 September 2013. These treasures are executed in sophisticated techniques and exemplary of the high skill and exquisite craftsmanship for which the Meiji Period (1868–1912) is celebrated.
Enamelled objects (shippo) were made on the orders of the Imperial Household or for merchants who supplied local and overseas markets. Japanese manufacturers participated in regularly organized international expositions and World Fairs in Europe and America, where they displayed an array of artistic creativity and technical virtuosity. Among which the Nagoya Cloisonné Company won a first prize at the Vienna Exhibition of 1873.
Like the shippo wares, Japanese embroidered textiles were first produced during the Nara period (710-794) and became known for their technical innovation. They testify to artistic exchanges between Japan and the West in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-centuries.
Details of the exhibition :
Date: July 6 to September 1, 2013
Venue: University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU
Please visit or call 2241-5500
Opening hours of the Museum :
Monday to Saturday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Closed on public holiday
Admission is free. All are welcome.
For media enquiries, please contact Communications and Public Affairs Office:
Assistant Director (Media) Ms Trinni Choy, tel: 2859 2606 email: [email protected], or
Manager (Media) Ms Rhea Leung, tel: 2857 8555 / 9022 7446 email: [email protected]
The Lingering Rhythm of Tianfeng Studio - Artworks of Gao Qi-feng and His Seven Apprentices
Co-organized by Guangdong Art Institute and Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, HKU, The Lingering Rhythm of Tianfeng Studio - Artworks of Gao Qi-feng and His Seven Apprentices will commence on 13 June to 19 June at the Guangdong Art Institute, and 18th June to 26th July at the Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole. This exhibition demonstrates the superior art accomplishment of the masters of Tianfeng Studio, and it also indicates the great significance in the development of Lingnan School painting.
On the basis of Gao's painting skills, the Seven Apprentices - Gao Qi-feng, Zhou Yi-feng, Zhang Kun-yi, Ye Shao-bing, Ho Chat Yuen, Huang Shao-qiang, Rong Shu-shi, and Zhao Shao-ang walked out of their own path and become dominant figures in the art field of Southern China, including Hong Kong. Their outstanding technique is best defined by a quote from Shitao, "My mind is in my painting".
Date: 18 June to 26 July 2013
Time: Mon to Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm
(closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
Venue: Jao Tung-I Petite Ecole, HKU (2/F, 2 University Drive, adjacent to Graduate House)
Telephone: 2241 5598