HKU Science and Art Crossover One-day Programme –
Visualizing Science via Creative Lens & Interactive Art
for Secondary School Students
January 26, 2013 Saturday
22 Jan 2013
Science and art, intertwined yet pole apart, were the twin dynamic components in the cultural development of any civilizations. However, people often merely consider their polarity, which leads to the partitioning of curiosity, inquiry and knowledge into specialized compartments. The lack of holistic views in science and art leads to cultural stagnation. Some artists and scientists have sought freedom from specialized compartments and definitions by pursuing larger cultural questions, removing their isolating disciplinary blinders. Many illustrations were indeed mathematically inspired and carried many hidden formulae and patterns. Those who appreciate science in artistic sense can see the beauty of science in a different aspect.
Dedicated to promote science literacy to the community and nurture our younger generation's interest in science, the Faculty of Science of the University of Hong Kong organized the Science and Art Crossover Project. The project basically comprises two parts, a one-day programme to be held on January 26, 2013, followed by an exhibition of completed artworks. The one-day programme aims to visualize science in an artistic and interactive manner, of which our science and engineering professors will deliver interesting science talks, and our art experts will offer free hands-on Science and Art crossover workshops to junior secondary school students.
Press members are cordially invited to join our event. Details are as follows:
Date: January 26, 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 8:30 am to 6:00 pm
Venue: CPD-3.28, 3/F, Central Podium Level, Centennial Campus, Main Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Target: F.1 to F.3 students of local secondary schools and Year 7 to Year 9 students of international schools
Programme highlights*:
• Geometry and Origami
• Lotus Effect
• Science of Painting
• Capture the Moment in Laboratory
• Unwrapping Science in Art
- Platonic and Archimedean solids + String Arts
- Painting on Canvas
• Create the Impossibility by LEGO® - Learn Escher, Go On!
*Please click here for details of the programmes.
Over 100 students will be engaged in the one-day programme, and students’ artworks from the programme will be showcased at the Science & Art Crossover Exhibition at various locations such as secondary schools, museums, and shopping malls for the following 6 months.
Please visit for pictures download. For press enquiry and interview arrangement, please contact Ms Cindy Chan, Communication Manager of the Faculty of Science at 2241 5286 / 6703 0212 or email: [email protected] ; or Dr Benny Ng, Programme Director of the Science and Art Crossover Project by email at [email protected].