Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2011) &
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS 2011)
International Report Briefing in Hong Kong
10 Dec 2012
TIMSS and PIRLS are the largest international studies of academic achievement worldwide. They are conducted under the auspices of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). TIMSS and PIRLS consist of international tests of student achievement in mathematics and sciences, and in reading literacy respectively, and they also probe into different factors that account for student achievement through a set of questionnaires.
The Hong Kong component of TIMSS and PIRLS is conducted by the Faculty of Education, HKU. Target populations are students at Primary 4 and Secondary 2.
63 countries and regions participated in TIMSS 2011. In Hong Kong, 3,957 Primary 4 students from 136 primary schools and 4,015 Secondary 2 students from 117 secondary schools participated in the study. For PIRLS 2011, a total of 45 countries and regions participated in the study. The reading literacy assessment was administered to 4,200 Primary 4 students in Hong Kong.
We cordially invite the press to attend the international report press briefing at HKU. The details are:
Date: December 12, 2012 (Wednesday)
Time: 11:00 a.m. (tea reception starts at 10:30 a.m.)
Venue: Room LG06, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, HKU
Speakers: Professor Frederick KS Leung, Professor SK Tse and Dr Alice SL Wong
At the press briefing, the following issues will be addressed:
1. International ranking of Hong Kong students in TIMSS and PIRLS 2011:
(i) the international ranking of Hong Kong students in terms of mathematics and science, and reading literacy achievements; and
(ii) comparative strengths and weakness of Hong Kong students.
2. Mathematics and Science
Hong Kong participated in TIMSS in 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2011. In the media briefing session, the following issues will be addressed:
(i) factors that account for Hong Kong students’ achievement in mathematics and science;
(ii) gender differences in mathematics and science achievement;
(iii) students’ attitudinal results on mathematics and science;
(iv) the importance of mathematics and science in the eyes of students;
(v) students’ self-confidence in learning mathematics and science; and
(vi) students’ positive feeling about the subjects of mathematics and science.
3. Reading Literacy
Hong Kong has participated in PIRLS for three cycles (2001, 2006 & 2011). In the media briefing session, the following issues will be addressed:
(i) gender difference in reading achievement;
(ii) students’ attitudes towards reading;
(iii) the pertinence of the reading curriculum;
(iv) home environment support for reading;
(v) global competiveness of Hong Kong: from the perspective of students' reading literacy; and
(vi) ways to enhance students’ reading ability.
For media enquiries, please contact: HKU Faculty of Education, Development and Communications Manager, Ms. Queenie Wong (Mobile: 9220 5840 / Tel: 2219 4270 / E-mail: [email protected]).