HKU Centre for Comparative and Public Law (CCPL) Launches the Hong Kong Human Rights Action Plan 2012
06 Sep 2012
How would you rate Hong Kong’s human rights record? In what areas are we lacking? Did you know that there are eight United Nations (UN) bodies reviewing Hong Kong’s record in relation to women, children, civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights, labour, disability, racial discrimination, torture and other forms of ill-treatment? What have these bodies said about Hong Kong? Can Hong Kong do better?
CCPL’s Hong Kong Human Rights Action Plan consists of all of the current recommendations to Hong Kong from UN human rights bodies. There are 145 recommendations dating back to 2005. While some of these recommendations have already been addressed, many still require attention and effective measures that come from better policy-making and new thinking. The Action Plan highlights those human rights areas where Hong Kong is weak. If you are a Chinese male adult resident, you are unlikely to suffer much by way of human rights violations. The Action Plan shows that it is the most vulnerable members of our society who are in need of protection. These include women, children, non-residents, ethnic minorities, asylum seekers, and human trafficking victims. It is here that Hong Kong falls below international standards.
Will the new Hong Kong Administration be able to make greater progress than previous administrations? Will it be able to realise full compliance with Hong Kong’s international legal obligations?
The Human Rights Action Plan is a new initiative from CCPL that aims to promote public discussion of human rights in Hong Kong and better compliance with international human rights standards. The English and Chinese versions of the Action Plan can be downloaded from the CCPL website at . For more information, please contact Ms Sharron Fast at [email protected] .