Education Seminar Series (6) by the Faculty of Education, HKU "Using Clear and Soft Voice to Teach Your Kids"
11 Apr 2012
The Faculty of Education, in support of the University's drive to strengthen knowledge exchange, one of the three strategic themes of the University's Strategic Development, takes the initiative in knowledge sharing with the public by organizing a series of education seminars for parents. The past seminars on Mathematics, English, Liberal Studies, Information Technology, and sending children abroad held in 2010 and 2011 received enthusiastic response. Our Faculty will be organizing the 6th seminar "Using Clear and Soft Voice to Teach Your Kids" in April 2012. The focus will be on voice problems and the right ways for teachers and parents to use their voices to teach children.
In the seminar, the following issues will be discussed:
- Have teachers and parents ever lost their voice when they teach the kids?
- How long can a man shout continuously?
- How can we teach the kids without having a sore throat?
- Is it the best way to teach your kids in a loud voice?
- Can we teach the kids with less strength?
Professor Edwin Yiu is a professor in the Faculty of Education, HKU. He has a speech therapy qualification and specializes in voice research. His main clinical and research experience is in the voice assessment and treatment for voice disorders and he is actively promoting prevention of voice problems in teachers and housewives. He has delivered more than 120 presentations and published more than 200 scientific papers on his research findings in voice science and disorders. Professor Yiu has recently developed a standardized acupuncture treatment protocol, which has proven scientifically to be effective in treating vocal nodules in patients who overuse their voices. He has also developed smartphone and tablet healthy voice promotion Apps to help the community to have a better understanding of their voice in order to prevent voice problems.
Media representatives are cordially invited to the seminar, the details are as follows:
Date: April 14, 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 2:15pm - 4:00pm
Venue: LG06, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, The University of Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Queenie Wong, Development and Communications Manager (Tel: 2219 4270 / Mobile: 9220 5840 / Fax: 2540 6360 / E-mail: [email protected]).