HKU Council approves selection procedures and criteria for the next Vice-Chancellor
20 Mar 2012
The Council of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) resolved at a meeting today (March 20) to approve the search and selection mechanism and the selection criteria for the University's next Vice-Chancellor as recommended by the Ad Hoc Group set up on the matter.
An extensive consultation exercise with the HKU community has been conducted by the Ad Hoc Group, which was set up by the Council in November 2011 to consult faculty members, staff, students, alumni and other stakeholders of the University on the procedures and criteria for the selection of the 15th Vice-Chancellor, and to make recommendations to the Council in the light of the comments and suggestions received.
In today's meeting, the Council adopted the recommendations made by the group and five selection criteria have been endorsed for the appointment of the next Vice-Chancellor including
a. Excellent academic standing and leadership
b. Integrity
c. Vision
d. Demonstrated Management Capability
e. Effective interpersonal and communication skills
The Council also adopted a two-stage search and selection mechanism for forming a Search Committee and a Selection Committee for the appointment of the new Vice-Chancellor.
The Search Committee will identify and secure outstanding candidates to come forward for the Vice-Chancellorship. It will comprise four members, including a lay member of the Council and three full-time senior professorial teachers at Chair Professor level.
The Selection Committee will review and assess the suitability of the candidates presented by the Search Committee, interview the shortlisted candidates and agree on a finalist for recommendation to the Council. It will comprise 11 members, including the Chairman and two lay members of the Council, a Faculty Dean, three full-time professorial Teachers, one full-time non-professorial Teacher or academic-related staff member, an alumnus/alumna, a full-time non-academic staff member and a full-time student. Membership categories of Faculty Dean and full-time student are newly added in this exercise, to provide for representation of executive Faculty Deans and students respectively.
Following the decision by the Council, the University will proceed to set up the two committees and launch a global search for the next Vice-Chancellor.
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 email: [email protected] or Ms Melanie Wan (Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 email: [email protected] .