HKU Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions attracts over 80,000 visitors
30 Oct 2011
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) held an Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions on October 29 and 30. A record high of over 80,000 visitors were received during the two event days.
The event aims to showcase the University programmes, activities and facilities to the public, particularly to the secondary schools students, teachers and parents. Teaching departments and halls of residence are open to the public for a better understanding of the campus life at HKU. A series of admission talks on Non-JUPAS, JUPAS for HKDSE and HKALE candidates were well-attended by students, parents and teachers.
At the opening ceremony on Saturday (October 29), HKU Vice-Chancellor Professor Lap-Chee Tsui announced the premiere of "A Hundred Years of Home Stories", a theatre performance created by a group of HKU current students and alumni to re-tell the history of HKU and the Hong Kong society. Professor Tsui acknowledged the devotion and hardwork of the performers, the production crew and the Director, Ms Krissy Lam, over the past few months and invited the audience to feel and appreciate the intellectual encounter at the theatre.
The year of 2011 marked the Centenary of HKU, Professor Tsui told the audience that the University will continue the efforts to provide students with time and space to build a broader knowledge base and to develop a more solid foundation for their holistic development.
The opening ceremony also acknowledged the naming of a minor planet as "HKU Star". Professor Tsui, together with Dr. Fong Yun Wah and the representative of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Purple Mountain Observatory officiated the naming ceremony. Professor Tsui was grateful to the wholehearted support from Dr. Fong who made the naming of "HKU Star" possible.
The ceremony was attended by the members of the Senior Management Team, Faculty Deans, HKU students and members of the public. The ceremony ended in cheers and laughter as the cast of "A Hundred Years of Home Stories" led the crowd to join hands in a joyful painting experience.
For media enquiries, please contact: Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 email: [email protected] or Ms Melanie Wan (Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 email: [email protected].