HKU will hold the Opening Ceremony of the Equal Opportunities Festival 2011
28 Oct 2011
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) will hold the Opening Ceremony of the Equal Opportunities Festival 2011 on November 4 (Friday).
Mr. Lam Woon-kwong, Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission, and HKU Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost Professor Roland T. Chin, will officiate at the ceremony.
Students from different countries including Indonesia, Africa, China and the USA will share their experience on how they overcome their difficulties. The students from Indonesia and Africa will provide information on their culture and needs. Allowing people to know more about their culture and needs will facilitate these minority students to overcome their difficulties. The student from China uses a crutch to walk and the student from the USA has Dyslexia. These two students will let us know how they solve their problems.
At the ceremony, certificates will be presented to participants of "the wheelchair challenge". These participants have been asked to travel on a wheelchair from one place to another on HKU campus and they will share their experience. Booths will be set up to show the various aspects of cultural diversity, racial harmony and disability awareness.
Members of the media are cordially invited to the ceremony, details are as follows:
Date: November 4, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 12:45 pm
Venue: Sun Yat-sen Place
Students taking part in the ceremony will meet the media after the event to share their specific experience in campus life. Counselling staff with CEDARS (Centre of Development and Resources for Students) will join to give an account of the services and facilities available to help students with disabilities.
For media enquiries, please contact: Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 email: [email protected] or Ms Melanie Wan (Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 email: [email protected].