Launching Ceremony: “Global Forest Observatory: Public Involvement and Training in Scientific Research in Hong Kong”
20 Jun 2011
25th June 2011 (Saturday), Kadoorie Institute Shek Kong Centre (KISK), Shek Kong, Yuen Long
The Kadoorie Institute of The University of Hong Kong will officially launch the "Global Forest Observatory: Public Involvement and Training in Scientific Research in Hong Kong" project (the Project) on 25th June 2011 (Saturday). The Project has the below dual objectives:
- To establish a 20 ha observatory forest plot in Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve. It is Hong Kong's FIRST research attempt to investigate long-term forest dynamics, especially under the influence of global climate change. It is also Hong Kong's FIRST and currently the ONLY Forest Dynamic Plot to join 41 other forests in the international research network co-ordinated by the Center for Tropical Forest Science of Harvard University and the Smithsonian Institution;
- To establish a 1 ha demonstration plot in Shek Kong to provide training opportunity for the public to engage in the research.
The Project signifies a collective effort between various stakeholders in the community: Hongkong Bank Foundation to provide financial support for the first 3 years; The University of Hong Kong through The Kadoorie Institute to provide research and public education platform; The Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden as a voluntary NGO to provide additional expertise on forest science research for the first 3 years and manage and fund for the Project from the fourth year onwards; and the HKSARG through the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to approve the research site at Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve.
Rundown of the Ceremony:
Time / Programme
8:30am Coach pick up for press at Admiralty Centre(海富中心 ), Admiralty
9:00am Coach pick up for press at Romantic Hotel (理想酒店), Kowloon Tong
10:15am - 10:45am Launching ceremony at Kadoorie Institute Shek Kong Centre
Officiating guests:
• Ms. Teresa Au - Head of Corporate Sustainability, Asia Pacific Region, HSBC
• Professor Lap-Chee Tsui - Vice Chancellor and President, HKU
• Mr. Joseph Sham - Assistant Director (Country and Marine Parks), AFCD of HKSARG
• Professor Peter Hills - Director, The Kadoorie Institute of HKU
• Mr. Andy Brown - Executive Director, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden
• Dr. Stuart Davies - Director, Center for Tropical Forest Science of Harvard University and Smithsonian Institution 10:45am - 11:30am Introduction and Guided Tour of the demonstration plot by the global and local Principal Investigators, Dr. Stuart Davies (Harvard University) and Dr. Billy Hau (HKU)
11:30am - 11: 45am Refreshment and press interviews with guests
12:00nn Coach departs from KISK to Kowloon Tong and Admiralty
Media inquiries & registration for coach pick up
Ms. Joyce CHOW (2219-4761/9252-5780/[email protected] ) or
Ms. Regina LO (2219-4762/9748-2728/[email protected] )