HKU Special Public Seminars "Japan M=9 Earthquake"
15 Mar 2011
The Japan Earthquake was the largest earthquake that hit the western Pacific region in modern time. The earthquake and tsunami have devastated Japan's northeastern coastal cities and villages and, for the first time, a nuclear meltdown crisis was triggered by an earthquake. There is a great demand on information on various aspects of the earthquake. The two seminars aim to present a more detailed examination of the event and the following questions:
- The cause and background of the Japan Earthquake.
- How are tsunami generated?
- What factors affect the hazard and damage caused by the tsunami?
- How does a nuclear power plant work and which parts of the power plant are particularly susceptible to earthquake and tsunami?
- What are the preventive measures and treatment for radiation exposure?
- What caused the explosions of the nuclear power plants and what are the possible mitigations?
- What did we learn from the Sichuan earthquake that could be used as a reference for Japan Earthquake?
- How could we minimize future earthquake and tsunami hazards?
- What lessons are learnt from these recent disasters?
Seminar 1 (March 19, Saturday): Hazards of the Japan M=9 Earthquake
Prof LS Chan (Science): Japan Earthquake - Recap and Update
Prof KW Chow (Engineering): Tsunami from the Perspectives of Ocean Waves
Dr Ray Su (Engineering): Can We Build Earthquake-proof Structures?
Prof CF Lee (HKUSPACE): Nuclear Power Plants and Meltdown Scenarios
Time: 10 am-12 noon
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU. (Seating begins at 9:45 am)
Language: English
Seminar 2 (March 21, Monday): Earthquake Mitigation and Management
Dr John Leung (Science): Radiation Exposure and Safety
Prof Dora Kwong (Medicine): Treatment for Radiation Exposure
Prof LS Chan (Science): Earthquake Predictions: Are We There Yet?
Prof John Malpas (Pro-Vice-Chancellor): Lessons Learnt from the Recent Earth Disasters
Time: 5 pm-7pm
Venue: T2 Ming Wah Complex, HKU. (Seating begins at 4:45 pm)
Language: English
For more details of the seminars, please visit:
For media enquiries, please contact: Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 email: [email protected] or Ms Melanie Wan (Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 email: [email protected].