HKU Faculty of Engineering Awards Students and Honours Teachers
06 Nov 2010
The Faculty of Engineering of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) today (November 6) presented prizes and awards to over 200 outstanding students and teachers in recognition of their achievements and excellence in research and teaching.
Ir Prof Reuben Chu, President, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, was the Guest of Honour and presented medals and certificates to students who won faculty prizes and Entrance Scholarship.
HKU Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost Prof Roland T Chin honoured teachers for their outstanding achievements in teaching and research. These included The APACM Congress Medal (Zienkiewicz Medal), The Asian-Pacific Association for Computational Mechanics, 2010 awarded to Prof Y K Cheung, Department of Civil Engineering; Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award, The University of Hong Kong, 2008-2009 and Best Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Communications 2010 awarded to Prof Victor O K Li, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering; OVM Paper Award for Prestressing 2009 (Class 1), China Civil Engineering Society, awarded to Prof F T K Au, Prof Y K Cheung and Prof A K H Kwan, Department of Civil Engineering; Outstanding Researcher Award, The University of Hong Kong, 2008-2009 awarded to Prof S C Wong, Department of Civil Engineering; Outstanding Teaching Award, The University of Hong Kong, 2009 awarded to Dr Yiu Siu Ming, Department of Computer Science; Best Paper Award, International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, 2010 awarded to Prof D Y C Leung, Department of Mechanical Engineering; just to name a few.
Professor W C Chew, Dean of Engineering, thanked the teachers for the tremendous amount of work they had put into offering the best education possible to HKU students and for their contributions to the community at large. He also congratulated the engineering students on their remarkable achievements.
"As the oldest and a well-established Faculty of Engineering in the territory, we pride ourselves in our bilingual and cosmopolitan education. To become a top Engineering school worldwide, we will continue to encourage our staff to conduct world-class research and teaching activities and continue the tradition of educating students to become future global leaders," Professor Chew said.
For media enquiries, please contact: Ms Melanie Wan (Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 email: [email protected]; or Ms Veronica Leung (Development & Communications Manager), Faculty of Engineering, HKU (Tel: 2219 4707 / E-mail: [email protected]).