CITE Research Symposium 2010 - 'e-Learning Design and Designs for Learning'
02 Mar 2010
4-6 March 2010 (Thursday to Saturday)
The Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) within the Faculty of Education of The University is organizing the CITE Research Symposium 2010 on 4-6 March 2010. The main theme of the symposium is "e-Learning Design and Designs for Learning". This year's CITERS focuses on ways to optimise designs and applications of new technologies that enhance learning in educational and professional development settings. The goal of the symposium is to provide a platform for discussion, networking and collaboration on recent research, good educational practices and new technologies, with a view to furthering research and practice that support e-learning design and designs for learning.
The conference supports the government's e-Learning initiative as recommended by the Working Group on Textbooks and e-Learning Resources Development.
Program contents:
The Symposium includes:
1. Keynote speeches and plenary presentations by speakers from Spain, UK, US and Hong Kong to present the latest research findings and development related to learning designs including multimedia learning resources, learning architectures, technological advances, and innovative pedagogical and assessment activities aimed to improve learning in sustainable and transformative ways
2. Forums to discuss issues related to e-Learning policy and implementation strategies.
3. Interactive workshops by students, teachers and researchers on local and international technology innovation and implementation projects.
4. Parallel sessions that feature different classroom uses of Web2.0 applications that include wikis and blogs, eportfolios, mobile technology, etc. to support learning and teaching.
Program highlights:
4 March 2010 (Thu) 14:00-15:00, Rayson Huang Theatre
- Keynote on "Perspectives and Policies on Educational ICT in Catalonia, Spain"" by Mr. Jordi VIVANCOS, Head of the Knowledge and Learning Technologies Unit, the Council of Education of Catalonia, Spain. The speaker will highlight the current ICT educational agenda and related initiatives in Catalonia along with their strategic implications.
5 March 2010 (Fri) 15:30-17:40, Rayson Huang Theatre
- Forum on "Leading e-Learning Adoption in Schools: Human and Technological Structures and Strategies" chaired by Mr. SHE Mang, Chief Curriculum Development Officer (IT in Education), Education Bureau, the Government of HKSAR. Each invited speaker will give a brief description of the national e-Learning initiative they are in charge of, and on this basis, reflect on the various issues and the lessons learnt.
6 March 2010 (Sat) 14:45-16:00, Rayson Huang Theatre
- A closing plenary panel discussion on "How can the Efforts from Different Societal Sectors be Aligned to Leverage e-Learning for Education in the 21st Century?". The panelists include Mr. Kenneth CHAN, JP., Under Secretary for Education, Educational Bureau, the Government of HKSAR; Prof. K.M. CHENG, Senior Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor, HKU and the three keynote speakers Dr. Barbara MEANS, Prof. Richard NOSS and Mr. Jordi VIVANCOS. This panel discussion is designed to be a platform for conference participants to share their thoughts on how to enhance e-Learning developments in Hong Kong, drawing on the various conference events and participants' own experiences.
You are cordially invited to attend the CITE Research Symposium "e-Learning Design and Designs for Learning" on 4-6 March 2010 (Thu - Sat) in Rayson Huang Theatre & Runme Shaw Building, HKU:
Date / Time:
4 March 2010 8:30am - 5:40pm
5 March 2010 8:45am - 5:40pm
6 March 2010 8:45am - 4:00pm
4 sub-themes for the symposium
- Design of e-learning
- Design of e-learning
- Pedagogical and assessment design for e-learning
- E-learning & education reform
For any queries about the symposium, please contact Ms. Queenie Wong, Development and Communications Manager, Faculty of Education, HKU (Tel: 2219 4270 / Mobile: 9220 5840 / Fax: 2540 6360 / Email: [email protected])