HKU commended in Quality Assurance Council Report
27 Nov 2009
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) welcomes the Report from the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) which confirms that HKU is providing high-quality student learning experience underpinned by good and effective support to students, both centrally and in the Departments and Faculties.
HKU is pleased that the QAC congratulated HKU on the way it has embraced the opportunity of the new curriculum, and the audit self-review, to review and enhance its strategy, educational aims, objectives and operations.
HKU is particularly pleased that in fully endorsing these views, the QAC has expressed its appreciation of HKU's commitment and impressive performance in teaching and learning.
The Report of a Quality Audit of the University of Hong Kong by the QAC of the University Grants Committee released today (November 27, 2009) commends HKU for strategically strengthening its central leadership to oversee the University's overarching strategies and policies in teaching and learning quality assurance and enhancement . HKU appreciates the very encouraging comments of the Audit Panel on its strengths and strong commitment to teaching and learning.
HKU is pleased that the Report recognises that HKU has given central importance to student learning experience through rigorous monitoring and serious consideration of student feedback. The Report further commends HKU for its extensive international benchmarking of its teaching and learning, the solicitation of external input from professionals and employers to ensure that its programmes are relevant and internationally competitive.
HKU has a strong tradition of critical self-reflection and self-review as evidenced by the commendation that it has received from the Panel on regular academic reviews of Faculties and programmes.
In the spirit of continuous quality enhancement, HKU has identified areas for further improvement and has in fact already set in train initiatives suggested by the Audit Panel. These include streamlining and clarifying the decision-making structures; use of templates for course and programme design and approval, standardization and codification of policies and practices; and systematic dissemination of good practices. HKU believes that these initiatives will take our teaching and learning to new heights.
In its conclusion, the Panel "found that HKU was responding positively to the educational challenges of the 21st century, including changes in the higher education landscape in Hong Kong", and endorsed "HKU's commitment to the enhancement of teaching and learning quality, demonstrated from the Council through to the teaching and supporting staff". The Panel further "believes that HKU is well placed to manage the inevitable tensions that will arise as 2012 approaches". HKU is most gratified by these remarks.
For media enquiries, please contact: Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 email: [email protected], Ms Melanie Wan (Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 email: [email protected].