HKU Science Distinguished Alumni Honored at Faculty of Science 70th Anniversary Dinner
20 Oct 2009
On the occasion of its Platinum Jubilee, the Faculty of Science The University of Hong Kong, is proud to honor its outstanding alumni with contributions to science education, research and society, or with significant achievements in his or her own profession. The Award Presentation Ceremony will be held during the 70th Anniversary Dinner to be held on Sunday November 15, 2009. Over 800 guests, alumni, students and staff members will attend and share the joy of the recipients.
The Faculty always regards its alumni the most valuable asset. We are also proud of them for their unstinting support, and their commitment and contributions to society. Professor Sun Kwok, Dean of Science said, "While saluting the 43 Distinguished Alumni, we also hope our students and future generations will be enlightened and learn from these role models - their dedication to their professions, their strong leadership and generosity."
The Faculty is pleased to announce the list of awardees for Distinguished Alumni as follows (in alphabetical order):
Professor CHAN Kwong-on Daniel, JP 陳鑛安教授
Dr CHAN LAM Lai-bing Alison 陳林麗冰博士
Mr CHAN Wing-luk 陳永陸先生
Professor CHE Chi-ming 支志明教授
Professor CHENG Kai-ming, SBS 程介明教授
Professor CHENG Yiu-chung Patrick 鄭耀宗教授
Dr CHEUNG Nim-kwan 張念坤博士
Mr CHU Yu-lun Stanley 朱裕倫先生
Mr CHUNG Shui-ming Timpson, GBS, JP 鍾瑞明先生
Dr CHUNG Wai-ling Margaret 鍾惠玲博士
Dr FAN HSU Lai-tai Rita, GBM, GBS, JP 范徐麗泰博士
Dr Stanley HO Hung-sun, GBS 何鴻燊博士
Mr HO Suen-wai Francis, JP 何宣威先生
Professor HO Ting-sum John 何庭森教授
Professor HO Wing-huen Frederick, SBS, OBE 何永煊教授
Dr HUANG Hsing-tsung ( H T Huang) 黃興宗博士
Professor HUANG Li-sung Rayson 黃麗松教授
Dr HUI Wai-haan 許慧嫻博士
Mr KWONG Ki-chi, GBS, JP 鄺其志先生
Mr LAM Chiu-ying, JP 林超英先生
Mr LAM Ko-yin Colin 林高演先生
Professor LAU Ka-ming William 劉家銘教授
Mrs LAW FAN Chiu-fun Fanny, GBS, JP 羅范椒芬女士
Dr LEUNG Wing-tai 梁永泰博士
Dr LIAO Sau-tung Sarah, GBS, MBE, JP 廖秀冬博士
Dr LUI Tat-yin Anthony 呂達賢博士
Professor Clifford MATTHEWS
Professor Malcom PEAKER 裴克爾教授
Professor POON Chung-kwong, GBS, DSc, JP 潘宗光教授
Mr POON Sun-cheong Patrick 潘燊昌先生
Dr POON Tin-yau Peter 潘天佑博士
Dr SO Shu-fai Ambrose 蘇樹輝博士
The Hon SUEN Ming-yeung Michael, GBS, JP 孫明揚先生
Professor SUN Samuel Sai-ming 辛世文教授
Mr TAM Chung-ding, MBE, JP 譚宗定先生
Professor TAM Sheung-wai, GBS, JP 譚尚渭教授
Dr TANG Shuk-ming Winnie, JP 鄧淑明博士
Dr Carrie WILLIS, MBE, JP, SBS 邱霜梅博士
Dr WONG Chi-shing 黃志成博士
Mr WONG Kai-man, BBS, JP 黃啟民先生
Professor YAM Wing-wah Vivian 任詠華教授
The Hon Mr Justice YAM Yee-kwan David 任懿君法官
Professor YOUNG Chien-ming Enoch, BBS 楊健明教授
The Anniversary Dinner, to be officiated by Dr the Honourable Leong Che-hung, Chairman of Council, Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Vice Chancellor and President of HKU, and Professor S Kwok, Dean of Science, is the grand finale of a year of celebration activities. It is also an opportunity for alumni to rekindle ties with fellow graduates of different generations.
Apart from celebration and reminiscence, the Faculty is pleased to share with alumni and the community celebration activities throughout the year. More information on the 70th Anniversary is available at
For enquiries, please contact Ms Cindy Chan, Communication Manager, Faculty of Science at 2241 5286 / 6356 5626 / Email: [email protected] .