“Summer Institute in the Arts & Humanities”: “GOING GLOBAL” Writers’ Forum
17 Jul 2009
Few authors from East Asia win a place on the world literary stage. But in recent years, a small number of Hong Kong residents have got their books into the international arena, some with editions in multiple languages with major publishing houses. How did they do it? What are their secrets? Are they blazing a trail others can follow? With the financial downturn, will it be harder in future........?
This is an exciting opportunity to hear some of the most well known "international local" writers in Hong Kong including Shirley Lim, Louise Ho, Justin Hill, Nury Vittachi and P.K. Leung. They have different opinions regarding these issues which should make for an interesting dialogue - with an input from the audience!
Media representatives are cordially invited to attend the press conference, details as follows:
Date: 18 July 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30 pm
Venue: Loke Yew Hall, HKU
Moderator: Hugh Chiverton from RTHK
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Trinni Choy, Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office, HKU (Tel: 2859 2606/Mobile: 9464 3431/E-mail: [email protected] ).