Global legal experts meet to examine the “Dynamics of Change in Asia”
26 May 2009
The 6th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Annual Conference on 29-30 May 2009
The Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong will host the 6th Annual Conference of the Asian Law Institute (ASLI) on 29-30 May. The Conference will be attended by more than 200 international legal academics and experts from Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States and Vietnam.
Launched in 2003 by a group of leading law schools in the Asia-Pacific region, the ASLI was set up to promote the development of Asian law scholars and law schools as well as to foster high quality research on Asia-related matters. The ASLI conference is an ideal vehicle to realize these twin aims. One of the key benefits of the annual conference is the opportunity it presents for individuals to network with each other, to collaborate on research projects and to develop a community of scholars.
Every year the conference examines contemporary legal issues of interest to Asian countries, and gathers scholars and experts from member institutions as well as from other institutions from Asia and beyond. The theme for this year's conference is "Dynamics of Change in Asia"; change in Asia is a stark reality that is sometimes catastrophic and sometimes inspirational.
Members of the press are cordially invited to cover the Conference; the details are:
Date: Friday, May 29, 2009
Time: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm (media registration will begin at 8:30 am)
Venue: Loke Yew Hall, Main Building, The University of Hong Kong
For media enquiries, please contact:-
Ms Priscilla Wong (Tel: 2241 5296; Email: [email protected]) or
Ms Rachel Li (Tel: 2859 2919; Email: [email protected])