Cherishing Life Through Accepting Death -- A Pioneer Study on Trans-Generational Death Attitudes in Hong Kong
16 Nov 2008
Repeated studies have estimated that between 10%-20% of bereaved individuals will experience chronic grief for years beyond the loss. Open communication on death related matters coupled with active efforts in death preparation are two essential means that can significantly help reduce distress when mortality occurs. Unfortunately, death has long been a taboo topic within traditional Chinese culture.
With unprecedented economic development and rapid modernization over the past decades, Hong Kong people replaced such negative attitudes on death with a more accepting perspective that allows greater appreciation of life?
To better understand the current state of death perception amongst the general public, a team of the ENABLE Project (Empowerment Network for the Adjustment to Bereavement and Loss in the End-of-Life) surveyed three generations of Hong Kong Chinese residents in 2007 on a series of death attitude assessments. The findings generated from this first-of-its-kind trans-generational study has helped to inform the development of life and death education programs in Hong Kong, while at the same time, contributed to the death research knowledge base on a global context.
ENABLE Project was launched by the Centre on Behavioral Health of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2006, with generous funding from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
Members of the media are cordially invited to attend a press conference for announcing the results of this pioneering research.
A video memoir of the lived bereavement experience of Mr Tommy Liang and Mrs Bless Liang, a loving couple who had loss their father due to cancer late last year, will also be shown. The couple will be present at the press conference for interview.
Date : November 18, 2008 (Tuesday)
Time : 1:30 pm
Venue :Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU, G/F, Pauline Chan Building, 10 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, HK
Language : Cantonese and English
Presenters :
- Professor Cecilia L. W. Chan, Si Yuan Professor in Health & Social Work / Director, Centre on Behavioral Health / Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU
- Mr. Andy H. Y. Ho, Research Officer, Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU
Guest Speakers: Mr. Tommy Liang & Mrs. Bless Liang
For media enquiries, please contact:-
Miss Amy Choi of the Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU (Tel: 2589-0512 / E-mail: [email protected] ); or
Ms Denise Wong of External Relations Office, HKU (Tel: 2859 2600 / E-mail: [email protected] )