Chris Patten in Dialogue with HKU Community
16 Oct 2008
Chris Patten will have an exclusive dialogue with students and members of the HKU community on global issues on November 4, 2008. This will be the first forum he leads during his stay in Hong Kong between November 2, 2008 and November 6, 2008.
Lord Patten will discuss global issues facing our world today, based on the topics and themes in his new book What Next? Surviving the Twenty-First Century, including globalization, energy, international crime, weapons of mass destruction, nuclear proliferation, small arms proliferation, climate change, water shortage, migration, epidemic disease to the fraying of the nation state.
Lord Patten was the last Governor of Hong Kong and also former Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong from 1992 to 1997. This will be his second visit to HKU since he left his office in HKU. On his last visit to HKU in November 2005, he shared his views on the rise of Asia with over 800 students, teachers, and alumni of the University.
Organized by HKU General Education Unit in association with External Relations Office, Centre of Development and Resources for Students, and the University Bookstore, the forum entitled "In dialogue with Chris Patten" will take place on November 4, 2008 between 3.30pm and 5.00pm at Loke Yew Hall, HKU, followed by a book-signing session for his latest work What Next? Surviving the Twenty-First Century. Book-signing tickets are available at the University Bookstore upon purchases of the book.
HKU Vice-Chancellor Professor Lap-Chee Tsui will greet Lord Patten at the forum.
Lord Patten is currently the co-chair of the International Crisis Group and of the Anglo-Indian Round Table, and Chancellor of Oxford and Newcastle universities. From 1999 to 2004 he was the European Commissioner for External Relations, and made a life peer in 2005. He is also a renowned author, his last book Not Quite the Diplomat: Home Truths about World Affairs was a No. 1 international bestseller.
For media enquiries, please contact Ms. Cherry Cheung, Senior Manager (Media), HKU (tel: 2859 2606 / mobile: 8208 1686 / email: [email protected])