Korean Art Group visits Hong Kong for the First Time Premiere Performance at HKU
14 Jul 2008
On its first visit to Hong Kong, the popular Pyongyang Children's Art Group of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (the Art Group) gave their premiere performance at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Rayson Huang Theatre today (14 July 2008). The Art Group of 40-member aged between 7 and 15 presented 12 songs, dances and instrument playing filled with traditional elements for students and prominent guests including Mr. Kim Ik Song (Consul General of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea), Mr. Yang Zigang (Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC in the HKSAR) and Mr. Tsang Tak-shing, JP (Secretary for Home Affairs, HKSAR). HKU Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor SP Chow gave a note of welcome to all, followed by speeches made by Mr. Ri Yong Hwan (Secretary, the Central Committee of Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League) and Mr. Liu Chang Le, JP (Chairman and CEO of Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd).
During its stay in Hong Kong, the Art Group will also perform at the 2008 Hong Kong International Youth and Children's Choir Festival between 14th July and 18th July before it departs on 19th July for a tour in Beijing and Shenzhen to continue their cultural exchange with Chinese youth. Since the Art Group's establishment in 1963, it has given 600 performances in over 40 countries, including China, USA and France. It also participated in the UNESCO Children's Performing Arts Festival of East Asia and Shanghai International Children's Cultural and Art Festival. Members are selected by The Central Committee of Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League on each occasion from performing arts schools throughout Pyongyang when the Art Group is invited to perform overseas.
The event is co-organized by HKU and Consulate General of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The Art Group is invited to Hong Kong and sponsored by Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd. HKU is committed to promote art and cultural exchange to provide a learning environment conducive to whole-person development and broadened international outlook for its students.
For an introduction about the Art Group or media enquiries, please contact Ms. Cherry Cheung, Senior Manager (Media). (Tel: 2859 2606 / 8208 1686 / email: [email protected])