HKU Launches "First-in-the-Family Education Fund"
05 Apr 2008
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is pleased to announce the launch of the "First-in-the-Family Education Fund" (FIFE Fund).
The FIFE Fund is established to celebrate those who are the first in the family attending university by encouraging them to embrace the intellectual challenges of higher learning, and enable them to benefit from the learning opportunities outside the classroom beyond their families' affordability.
The FIFE Fund also aims to promote the act of "paying forward" among students. Students are expected to advance our society and provide opportunities for the generations after them.
At its launch, the FIFE fund received generous support from Mr Yeung Kwok Keung, Chairman of Country Garden Holdings Ltd. The Scheme will be implemented in the academic year 2008-2009.
Members of the media are cordially invited to attend and cover the ceremony. The details are:
Date: April 8, 2008 (Tuesday)
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Venue: Convocation Room (Room 218), Main Building, HKU
Mr Cho Yan Chiu, together with alumni representative and representative from the HKU Students' Union, will share their thoughts on the FIFE Fund, and their personal experiences.
Presiding at the ceremony will include Mr Yeung Kwok Keung, Chairman of Country Garden Holdings Ltd, representatives from HKU Foundation and Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, HKU Vice-Chancellor.
For media enquiries, please contact:-
- Ms Polo Leung of HKU Development & Alumni Affairs Office (Tel: 2241 5677 /
E-mail: [email protected]); or
- Ms Denise Wong of HKU External Relations Office (Tel.: 2859 2600 / E-mail: [email protected])