The "Industry/Academia Collaboration on Nuturing Financial Talent" Forum
08 Jun 2006
The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Frederick Ma, will officiate at a forum jointly organised by the University of Hong Kong and the Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector (FinMan Committee) on Saturday (June 10). Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong Professor Lap-Chee Tsui will give an opening address at the forum.
The forum, carrying the theme "Enhancing Quality with Strengthened Training", is the second event in the FinMan's series to nurture financial talent under the platform of collaboration between the industry and academia. It will explore ways to step up training to enhance professional quality in the financial services sector.
Media representatives are invited to attend and cover the event. Details are as below:
Date: 10 June 2006 (Sat)
Time: 9.00am to 12.30pm
Venue: Wang Gungwu Theatre, HKU
The panellists at the forum will be the FinMan Committee Chairman, Mr Chan Tze-ching; the Executive Council and Legislative Council member, Mr Bernard Chan; the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong, Professor Y. C. Richard Wong; the Senior Advisor to Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong, Professor Cheng Kai-ming; the Vice-president (Undergraduate Education) and Chair Professor of Finance of the City University's Faculty of Business, Professor Richard Ho; the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd, Mr Peter Sullivan; the Executive Director of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd, Mr Peter Wong; the Head of North and East Asia and Chief Executive of BNP Paribas Hong Kong Branch, Mrs Mignonne Cheng; the Co-head of Investment Banking in Asia and Asia Financing Group of Goldman Sachs, Mr Mark Machin; the President and Chief Executive Officer of Bank of America (Asia) Ltd, Mr Samuel Tsien; the Audit Partner of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Mr Philip Tsai; and a student representative the University of Hong Kong, Mr Patrick Wong.
Some 280 people, including representatives of the Government, financial professionals, academia sector and university students, will attend the forum.
For media enquiries please contact Ms. Cherry Cheung, Senior Press Officer, HKU (Tel: (852) 2859 2606 / Mobile: (852) 8208 1686 / Email: [email protected])