The conference will be one of the first academic discussions on the moves by the mainland authorities to interpret aspects of the Basic Law relating to the implementation of universal suffrage in Hong Kong. It is jointly organised by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences and is sponsored by the South China Morning Post. This conference is the first of the series on "Constitutional Review and Democratic Development: The Way Forward".
Professor Peter Wesley-Smith, formerly a member of the Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong, will discuss the value of the doctrine of the separation of powers, and will examine several examples of government arrangements which appear irregular if not unconstitutional.
Other speakers include Professor Cai Dingjian of the prestigious China University of Political Science and Law, a well-known specialist in Constitutional Law and member of the NPC Standing Committee. Professor Cai will consider the Chinese system of legislative interpretation and the latest interpretation of the Basic Law.
This session is the first in a series of three conferences on Hong Kong's constitution, aimed at facilitating a systematic and in depth discussion of constitutional review in Hong Kong. The series will serve as a platform for dialogue with the public, professionals, the business sector, the government, and academics.
Conference details:
Date: April 24, 2004 (Saturday)
Time: 9:15 am–1:00 pm
Venue: Wang Gungwu Lecture Theatre, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong
List of speakers:
.Hong Kong's Constitutional System: Separation of Powers and Political Accountability
Prof Peter Wesley-Smith, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
.Executive-led Government and the Basic Law
Prof Albert Chen, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
.Two Cardinal Principles: Gradual and Orderly Development and Actual Situation in Hong Kong
Benny Tai, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
.The Chinese system of legislative interpretation and the latest interpretation of the Basic Law
Prof Cai Dingjian, China University of Political Science and Law
.Imperatives of Autonomy: Contradictions in the Basic Law
Prof Yash Ghai, Sir Y K Pao Chair in Public Law, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
For details, please contact Ms. Flora Leung of the Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong by tel: 2859 2941 / email:[email protected]
Academics to Provide Their Views on Hong Kong
23 Apr 2004
In a timely conference this weekend, academics from the University of Hong Kong, Australia, and the Mainland will examine Hong Kong's current constitutional arrangements in light of recent events, such as the call for democratic elections, and the National People's Congress' interpretation of aspects of the Basic Law.
The conference will be one of the first academic discussions on the moves by the mainland authorities to interpret aspects of the Basic Law relating to the implementation of universal suffrage in Hong Kong. It is jointly organised by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences and is sponsored by the South China Morning Post. This conference is the first of the series on "Constitutional Review and Democratic Development: The Way Forward".
Professor Peter Wesley-Smith, formerly a member of the Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong, will discuss the value of the doctrine of the separation of powers, and will examine several examples of government arrangements which appear irregular if not unconstitutional.
Other speakers include Professor Cai Dingjian of the prestigious China University of Political Science and Law, a well-known specialist in Constitutional Law and member of the NPC Standing Committee. Professor Cai will consider the Chinese system of legislative interpretation and the latest interpretation of the Basic Law.
This session is the first in a series of three conferences on Hong Kong's constitution, aimed at facilitating a systematic and in depth discussion of constitutional review in Hong Kong. The series will serve as a platform for dialogue with the public, professionals, the business sector, the government, and academics.
Conference details:
Date: April 24, 2004 (Saturday)
Time: 9:15 am–1:00 pm
Venue: Wang Gungwu Lecture Theatre, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong
List of speakers:
.Hong Kong's Constitutional System: Separation of Powers and Political Accountability
Prof Peter Wesley-Smith, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
.Executive-led Government and the Basic Law
Prof Albert Chen, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
.Two Cardinal Principles: Gradual and Orderly Development and Actual Situation in Hong Kong
Benny Tai, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
.The Chinese system of legislative interpretation and the latest interpretation of the Basic Law
Prof Cai Dingjian, China University of Political Science and Law
.Imperatives of Autonomy: Contradictions in the Basic Law
Prof Yash Ghai, Sir Y K Pao Chair in Public Law, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
For details, please contact Ms. Flora Leung of the Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong by tel: 2859 2941 / email:[email protected]