With the burgeoning aging population in Hong Kong and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, geriatric depression has become a prominent issue to be addressed in recent years. Older adults in Hong Kong were found to have significantly more depressive symptoms than their counterparts from Taiwan and Guangzhou. Nevertheless, little attention and support have been given to the elderly with mild or moderate levels of depression.
With the funding support of Keswick Foundation Limited, a community project aiming to promote geriatric mental health using Expressive Arts-based Intervention (EABI) was launched by the Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), from July 2017 to June 2021.
EABI provides an alternative way for the elderly to express their thoughts and feelings through five art modalities (i.e. visual arts, music, dance and movement, drama and creative writing). By emphasising the creative art-making process and sharing their sense of beauty with others,their holistic well-being and quality of life were improved.
The project adopted a “Train-the-trainer” approach and provided EABI-related training to geriatric healthcare professionals. It aimed to enhance professionals’ knowledge and practical skills in using EABI to support the elderly when they experience emotional distress. In addition, the project also aimed to raise public awareness of elderly depression through public education and encourage them to reach out to the elderly in need.
Over the past four years, public educational talks, professional training sessions and over 280 EABI groups were held under the Project. The research team of CBH also conducted an evaluation study which successfully recruited a total of 1,089 elderly and 260 ambassadors as participants.
A media briefing will be held on 24 November 2022 (Thursday) to introduce the innovative expressive arts-based project and release research findings. Facilitators and participants of the programme will share their experiences on the occasion.
The media briefing will be held in hybrid mode on HKU campus and via Zoom. Details as below:
Date: 24 November 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 2:30pm to 4pm
Language: Cantonese
On campus
Venue: 2/F., 5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.
Link: https://hku.zoom.us/j/93638104161?pwd=RmdneGk1OTVwbkRyMGlORVVnZzN6QT09
Meeting ID: 936 3810 4161
Password: 15158
For more details about the programme, please contact:
Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU
Ms. Amy Choi (Tel: 2831 5163; email: [email protected]) or
Dr. Caitlin Chan (Tel: 2831 5580; email: [email protected]).
For media enquiries, please contact Ms. Melanie Wan (Communications and Public Affairs Office, HKU; Tel: 2859 2600; email: [email protected]).