HKU renowned chemist Professor Vivian Wing-Wah YAM selected as
2021 Pioneer in Energy Research and featured in the editorial and cover story of Energy & Fuels in a special issue dedicated to her by American Chemical Society Publications
12 Dec 2021
Renowned scholar Professor Vivian Wing-Wah YAM, Dean of Science (Interim) and Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy from The University of Hong Kong (HKU), has been selected as one of the three prominent scientists who have made significant fundamental contributions in their respective fields of energy research in the inaugural “Pioneers in Energy Research” (PIERs) programme by Energy & Fuels of American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications. She is honored in the field of solar energy and conversion of light for her outstanding contribution to the area of novel excited states for organic light-emitting materials/devices and solar energy conversion.
The latest issue of Energy & Fuels has been specially dedicated to Professor Vivian Yam, one of the three 2021 Pioneers in Energy Research. Both the editorial and the cover story featured Professor Yam’s accomplishments, scientific journey in Q&A format, inviting her to share the inspiration of her research, the evolution of the project, its biggest impact on society, and most importantly, her expert advice to young fellow researchers.
Professor Yam extended her heartfelt gratitude to Energy & Fuels. “I would like to thank all of the contributors participating in and contributing to this special issue. I am humbled, honored, and indebted to all of you for your excellent science and for your friendship and unfailing support throughout the years,” said Professor Yam.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mentors, friends, colleagues, collaborators, postdocs, and students for their teaching, inspiration, efforts, and friendship throughout the years and for making me who I am. I would also like to thank my family for their love and understanding,” Professor Yam added.
Professor Yam obtained both her BSc (First Class Hons) and PhD from HKU. Her research interests include inorganic/organometallic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, photophysics and photochemistry, and metal-based molecular functional materials. She was a recipient of the American Chemical Society (ACS) National Award – the 2022 Josef Michl ACS Award in Photochemistry.
Professor Yam is an elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2001), Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) (2006), International Member of the US National Academy of Sciences (2012), Foreign Member of Academia Europaea (2015), and Founding Member of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences (2015). She was Laureate of the 2011 L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award. Furthermore, she was the recipient of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Centenary Medal in 2005/06, RSC Ludwig Mond Award in 2015, Japanese Photochemistry Association (JPA) Eikohsha Award in 2006, Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry (JSCC) International Award in 2016, the Porter Medal in 2020, and a Croucher Senior Research Fellowship in 2000/01, etc. She has been serving as the Chief Editor for Chemistry for the new flagship journal Natural Sciences of Wiley since 2020.
For more information about the cover story of Energy & Fuels, please visit:
Below please also find some direct links to:
The editorial of 2021 Pioneers in Energy Research: Vivian Yam
The Q&A with Professor Vivian Yam
The cover image of Professor Yam
Images download and captions:
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