HKU confers honorary degrees upon seven outstanding individuals at the 204th Congregation
15 Apr 2021
The University of Hong Kong conferred honorary degrees upon seven outstanding individuals at the 204th Congregation yesterday (April 14) in Loke Yew Hall. As all the honorary graduates currently reside outside Hong Kong, they participated in the ceremony virtually for their conferment in light of the COVID-19 situation and travel constraints globally. The ceremony was divided into two sessions to accommodate the time difference between Hong Kong and the residing cities of the honorands. The ceremony was broadcast live via Zoom.
Honorary Degrees are awarded to individuals in recognition of their distinguished service and commitment to the University, the community, and to academia. They are also conferred to those who have made valuable intellectual, social and cultural contributions to society and the world.
The honorary graduates are:
Doctor of Letters honoris causa
Professor Mo Yan
Doctor of Science honoris causa
Professor BAI Chunli
Professor the Lord DARZI of Denham
Professor HU Chenming
Sir Paul Maxime NURSE
Professor ZHANG Yitang
Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa
Professor Lee S SHULMAN
For the citations and photos of the honorary graduates, please visit the 204th Congregation website at
Archive videos of the ceremony can be viewed at: 20210414-CPAO-204Congregation - Google Drive.
Please click here for the time codes of the videos.
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Melanie Wan, Senior Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office at tel: 2859 2600 or email: [email protected] or Ms Rashida Suffiad, Senior Manager (Media) at tel: 2857 8555 or email: [email protected].