The Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has launched a YouTube Channel “HKU LAWLYPOP” ( to introduce to law students and general public different aspects of the legal profession, through a series of interview videos of seasoned practitioners.
The “HKU LAWLYPOP” channel is now available with 11 videos including the latest one with Ms Winnie Tam SC. During the interview, Ms Tam, composer of the Law Anthem of the HKU Faculty of Law, recalled her decision on studying law instead of music, and her views on the barrister profession. Other interviewees also shared their experiences and insights on various topics such as from law graduate to equity partner, would lawyers be replaced by AI, starting a business and practising law in other jurisdictions, what makes a good lawyer in the eyes of the CFO etc.
“HKU LAWLYPOP” is supported by the HKU Teaching Development Grant; and led by Ms Alice Lee, Associate Dean (Academic Affairs) and Associate Professor of the Faculty, and an alumnus Mr Billy Ng.
To Billy (LLB 2002, PCLL 2003), who did the interviews and editing of the video footages, the initiative came from his personal experience. He said: “I started my legal study in 1999, right after the Asian Financial Crisis and before the 2000 dot-com bubble burst as well as the 911 in 2001. When I graduated in 2003, Hong Kong was undone by SARS. I once thought studying law would mean a promising path but it turns out to be the beginning of a challenging and exciting journey, but thanks to these experiences, I had the chance to explore different areas and got to appreciate the role and importance of law in different industries and aspects.”
Alice expects these videos would help general public understand more about the legal profession and facilitate students’ career planning. “Most people, even law students, have stereotypical images of legal practitioners: either barristers arguing cases in courts or solicitors handling transactions and divorces. In fact, legal practitioners have various and important roles to play in different fields. We hope to inspire current and prospective law students in career and academic planning through reflections by our interviewees including barrister, solicitor, entrepreneur, in-house counsel, CFO from a start-up etc.” She said.
The team, according to resources and interviewees’ expertise, hopes to bring in future more legal knowledge such as local and overseas property traps.
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Rachel Li, Faculty Development Officer, Faculty of Law, HKU (Tel: 3917 2919 / Email: [email protected]).