4 top scorers achieving 5** in 7 subjects admitted to HKU
HKU takes in HKDSE top scorers with over 6,000 “*”, the highest in Hong Kong
13 Aug 2020
HKU takes in the majority of top scorers
HKU takes in four out of five top scorers admitted through JUPAS and achieving 5** in 7 subjects. Three of them have been admitted to the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, and one has been admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering.
HKU continues to take in the majority of the city’s top scorers. Under the best 6 subjects, HKU has admitted 45% of all candidates who achieved an average of 5*, the highest amongst all universities in Hong Kong. HKDSE candidates admitted to HKU this year also have the highest average scores amongst all local universities, with a score of 32.6 and 28.5 for the best 6 and best 5 subjects respectively.
The HKU scoring system giving bonus points to applicants achieving 5 or above continue to benefit many outstanding HKDSE students. Students admitted to HKU this year acquired a total of over 6,000 “*” in the HKDSE, being the highest amongst all local universities.
HKU’s law programme maintains its leading position academically
HKU’s law programme remains in a leading position by admitting the top students. All 23 candidates (100%) scoring 5** in 3 or more subjects who applied to study law-related programmes have been admitted to HKU, during a time when the number of candidates applying to take law-related programmes in Hong Kong has decreased this year.
Forward-looking programmes related to innovation and technology become immensely popular
With the increasing demand for multi-disciplinary professionals and young talents in technology and innovation, HKU has been cultivating future leaders and pioneers in innovation and technology by offering a number of related programmes in recent years.
The admissions performance of five interdisciplinary programmes in HKU including Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (BASc), BASc (AppliedAI), BASc (FinTech), BASc (Design+) and BASc (Global Health & Development) have been satisfactory, with an almost 40% increase in admissions, and with the number of candidates achieving an average of 5* above in the best 6 subjects more than doubled compared to the previous year.
The newly launched double degree programme – Global Engineering and Business Programme has also performed well in terms of admissions, attracting a large number of applicants with outstanding results. The median score of students admitted to the programme is 32 under the best 5 subjects.
Admissions of the above six programmes have been satisfactory, including admitting four students achieving 5** in 4 subjects.
Professor Bennett Yim, HKU’s Director of Undergraduate Admissions and International Student Exchange, said: “This year has been an exceptionally difficult year for HKDSE candidates, yet we see them striving for self-improvement and achieving outstanding results. HKU is still the first choice for top scorers who possess extensive academic interests, and a lot of students are interested to pursue a degree in new and emerging industries. We hope they can further nurture and develop their interests in HKU to achieve their dreams.”
Non-Chinese speaking students
This year, HKU has admitted 22% more non-Chinese speaking students than last year. The University has admitted a total of 78 non-Chinese speaking students with over 50% achieving 5* in at least one subject. They have been admitted to traditionally competitive programmes including “Global Engineering and Business Programme”, “Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) and Bachelor of Laws”, “Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences”, “Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Economics and Finance”, “Bachelor of Arts and Sciences(FinTech)”, “Bachelor of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering”, “Bachelor of Journalism” and other programmes.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Communications and Public Affairs Office, HKU:
Ms Melanie Wan, Senior Manager (Media) tel: 2859 2600/ email: [email protected];
Ms Rashida Suffiad, Senior Manager (Media) tel: 2857 8555/ email: [email protected].