The Council of the University of Hong Kong (HKU), at its meeting today (July 28), has resolved a personnel issue concerning a teaching staff member.
Earlier, in light of the judgement of the courts, the University acted in accordance with section 12(9) of the University of Hong Kong Ordinance to initiate the Procedures for Termination of Appointment for “Good Cause” regarding the staff member concerned.
As provided for under the Procedures, to ensure a due and proper enquiry into the matter, the staff member was given a full opportunity to present the facts, submit written statements and relevant documents, and present the case in writing and in person, before a fact-finding Committee of Enquiry into Possible Good Cause, the Senate and the Council of HKU in response to the evidence.
Through a proper and lengthy process, all the required procedures for this personnel matter have now been completed. Following the stringent and impartial due process, and after careful deliberations and considerations, the Council has come to a decision. The staff member concerned is being informed of the outcome accordingly.
We hope members of the public understand that this is an internal personnel matter of the University and that the autonomy of the institution should be respected. In view of the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the principle of confidentiality, it is not appropriate for the Council or the University to disclose or comment on the details of the case.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Communications and Public Affairs Office, HKU:
Ms Melanie Wan, Senior Manager (Media) tel: 2859 2600/ email: [email protected];
Ms Rashida Suffiad, Senior Manager (Media) tel: 2857 8555/ email: [email protected].