HKU launches online series “Fireside Wednesday”
Brainstorm with Alumni and Students
Find Partners, Opportunities and Resources
07 Apr 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has put a halt on gatherings and events at all levels. The economic downturn is worrying to everyone especially this year’s graduates-to-be. In order to give students, alumni and young people the opportunity to share experiences and explore new ideas, the HKU Development and Alumni Affairs Office has turned its regular “Fireside Chat” event into a weekly online live chat programme “Fireside Wednesday”. It aims to help young alumni and students to find their passions and paths, and explore new partnerships, opportunities and resources.
The themes of the first three episodes were: Tourism & Innovation; Retail – New Partners & Opportunities; and COVID Cadenza.
Episode Four, live on April 8, will be on Sports & Innovation: Episode Four – How can Sports push back? (live chat in Cantonese, English synopsis for revisit)
With the Tokyo Olympic postponed, Wimbledon cancelled, the NBA and Premier League suspended, and Hong Kong’s Marathon, Trail Walker and sports training all called off, what can sportspeople and coaches do? How can the business of sports progress during these times?
The series of this 10-episode “Fireside Wednesday” was launched on March 18, each focusing on one topic, ranging from tourism, retail, technology, social, NGOs and education, to freelancing and startups. Alumni and students are invited to participate in live chats to explore new opportunities, make use of HKU’s extensive networks, and discover new resources such as support available to students and fresh graduates at HKU iDendron, a hub on campus for nurturing an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, a co-working space and incubator for HKU early-stage startups.
The first three episodes recorded over 10,000 views. Hosts and guests include media and communication veterans Stephen Chan 陳志雲and Julian Law 羅永聰; Tmall World’s Head of Hong Kong and Macau Chan Chi-Kin 陳子堅 ; and founder of Walk in Hong Kong Paul Chan 陳智遠, among others. Serrini, singer-songwriter; and Cy Leo, international harmonica virtuoso, joined the third episode COVID Cadenza on music: creativity and performance, at which student Daniel Lei played the Gourd flute live and invited the guests to continue the music exchange together after the live chat.
The upcoming episode on Sports on April 8 will feature guests Alex Fong 方力申, former Hong Kong Olympian and swimming record holder, also founder of a swimming school; Judy Kong江嘉惠, Chief Executive of InspiringHK Sports Foundation; Cecilia Yeung 楊文蔚, HKU Final Year Student and high jump record holder; as well as host alumnus Raymond Tam 譚志源, Executive Director, Corporate Affairs, Hong Kong Jockey Club. Cherrypick’s Founder Jason Chiu 趙子翹and many more guests will join the future episodes.
“Fireside Wednesday” – every Wednesday 1pm
Livestream and revisit:
Facebook Live: HKU100
Websites: HKU Fight COVID-19 HKU Fireside Chat
Episode Three: COVID Cadenza (Apr 1)
In response to COVID-19, venues have closed, performances cancelled, Cirque du Soleil laid off 95% of its workforce. What can artists do in the next eight months, or the next two years? What can they create, or contribute?
Episode Two: Retail – Partners & Opportunities (Mar 25)
[in Cantonese with English synopsis]
The retail sector has been heavily affected by the coronavirus. In the second episode of Fireside Wednesday, host Julian Law (LLB 2000; MJ 2003) and guests Chan Chi-Kin (BEng(EComE) 2006) and Terence Hon (BBA 2019) discussed how retail businesses and e-commerce should change their strategies during this unprecedented time.
Episode One: Culture, Tourism & Innovation (Mar 18)
[in Cantonese with English synopsis]
Tourism is one of the business sectors that has been greatly affected by the Coronavirus. With people not travelling overseas, are there any new opportunities to be had at home? First episode with guest host Stephen Chan (BA 1981), and guests Paul Chan (LLB 2001; PCLL 2002), Rubio Chan (BA 2012), and Jamie Cheung (BA 2013), talk about tourism and innovation, and how to look for new partners, opportunities and resources.
For HKU’s efforts in research, learning and public service to combat the novel coronavirus, please visit, a platform to communicate, evoke and inspire, managed by the HKU Development & Alumni Affairs Office.
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Media enquiries:
Ms Holly Tang of HKU Development & Alumni Affairs Office
(Tel: 3917 1710 / 9409 9299 Email: [email protected])