"HKU spokesperson" responds to media enquiries:
"We are very concerned about the condition of the students. As far as we know, eight of them are students from HKU, one from HKUST, and one from another local university. Our President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Xiang Zhang is deeply worried about the safety of students and has personally sent a letter via email to relevant authorities immediately to enquire about the details. We have learnt from authorities in the Mainland that the students are currently safe and are undergoing necessary investigation procedures. The University urges the relevant authorities to expedite the process, so that the students can return to Hong Kong sooner. We are in touch with the student' families, and together with the two other universities, will make all attempts to provide necessary support and assistance."
8:20pm update:
“The 8 HKU and CityU students have been released. As per our understanding, the investigation process of the HKUST student has yet to be completed. We will continue to follow up on the student’s condition.”
8:45pm update:
“The 10 students from HKU, CityU and HKUST have been released.”
Media enquiries:
Communication and Public Affairs Office
Ms Trinni Choy (Tel: 2859 2606/ Email: [email protected])
Ms Melanie Wan (Tel: 2859 2600 / Email: [email protected])
Ms Rashida Suffiad (Tel: 2857 8555/ Email: [email protected])