The Long Service Awards Presentation Ceremony of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) for staff members will be held on June 6 (Thursday) in Loke Yew Hall. The President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Xiang Zhang will officiate at the ceremony to present awards to staff members to thank them for their dedication, commitment and loyalty to the University.
This year, a total of over 210 staff members will be presented with the Long Service Awards, including 5 colleagues receiving the 45-year award, 12 colleagues receiving the 40-year award, 23 for the 35-year award, 108 for the 25-year award and 67 for the 15- year award.
Details are as follows:
Date: June 6, 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Venue: Loke Yew Hall, Main Building, HKU
Media enquiries:
Communications and Public Affairs Office
Assistant Director (Media), Ms Trinni Choy (Tel: 2859 2606/ Email: [email protected])
Senior Manager (Media), Ms Rashida Suffiad (Tel: 2857 8555/ Email: [email protected])