To spark students’ and public interest in STEAM (A for Arts) and to strengthen participants’ abilities to integrate and apply knowledge and skills in engineering, the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Arts & Technology Education Centre (ATEC) of the Education Bureau jointly organised a Musical Instrument Design Competition, which attracted over 400 participants from Primary 2 to Secondary 6 . The competition required students to design and implement a device that is capable of producing sound, and can be used as a musical instrument.
music concert, exhibition, judging and award presentation for the Competition will be held this Saturday, where participants will use their designed musical instrument to perform, followed by an exhibition and judging session. Members of the public are welcome to join the event free of charge and can cast their votes onsite for the “My Favourite Musical Instrument ward”.
Media representatives are cordially invited to attend the event, with details as follows:
Date: May 11, 2019 (Saturday)
Activities and time:
Music Concert: 9:00am-12:30pm
Exhibition: 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Media briefing and tour of the exhibits (competition participants will demonstrate and explain their designs): 3:15pm
Result announcement and Award Presentation Ceremony: 3:45pm to 5:00pm
Venue: School Hall, Queen Elizabeth School, 152, Sai Yee Street, Mongkok, Kowloon
Website :
Officiating guests:
Professor Christopher Chao, HKU Dean of Engineering
Mr. Clark C. L. Chan, Principal, Arts & Technology Education Centre
Ms. Cathy M. C. Ho, Curriculum Development Officer (Technology Education) of Technology Education Section, Curriculum Institute Development, Education Bureau
Mr. Makin P. F. Fung, Musician, video and multimedia artist
Media enquiries:
Dr. Ivy Wong, Department of Computer Science, HKU (Email: [email protected])
Ms Celia Lee, Faculty of Engineering, HKU (Tel: 3917 8519/ Email: [email protected] )