With the influence of Western cultures under the global world, Asian families have undergone dramatic changes over the past decades. The modern family values are varied from those of the traditional family in terms of marriage, parental role, child discipline and family communication. Significant change in family structure and values becomes unavoidable and brings challenges to existing social and family policy to all Asian societies from different countries.
To solicit joint effort and global wisdom to address the challenges, the Asian Family Summit, jointly organised by the Consortium of Institutes on Family in the Asian Region (CIFA), the Faculty of Social Sciences of The University of Hong Kong, the Family Council of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR), The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR Government, will be held from August 19 to 22 at The University of Hong Kong. The Summit gathers public, private, academic/professional sectors and the civil society to map out an agenda for action in Asia for the well-being of families which is closely related to the sustainable development of Asian societies.
The Press Conference will look into those important issues related to the modern families, and illustrate how the community can effectively respond to these challenges by enhancing family competence; how Hong Kong can use the "Family Impact Assessment" tool to help the government strengthen family functions in policy context; and how international scholars can bring further insights to improve family well-being and resolve the obstacles facing sustainable development, based on successful overseas studies.
Media representatives are invited to join the event, details as follows:
Date: August 5, 2018 (Sunday)
Time: 4:00pm
Venue: Social Sciences Function Room, 11/F, The Jockey Club, Centennial Campus
The University of Hong Kong (Map)
Speaker: Mrs. Patricia Chu, Chairperson, CIFA
Professor Daniel Shek, Chairperson, Family Council, HKSAR Government
Professor Samson Tse, Associate Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU
For media enquiries, please contact
Mr. Tommy Fan, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU (Tel: 3917 1204 / 9701 0777 ; Email: [email protected])