Future robots need no motors HKU Engineering invents world’s first nickel-hydroxide actuating material that can be triggered by both light and electricity
30 May 2018
To develop micro- and biomimetic-robots, artificial muscles and medical devices, actuating materials that can reversibly change their volume under various stimuli are researched in the past thirty years to replace traditional bulky and heavy actuators including motors and pneumatic actuators.
A mechanical engineering team led by Professor Alfonso Ngan Hing-wan, Chair Professor in Materials Science and Engineering, the University of Hong Kong (HKU), will have an article published in Science Robotics on 30 May 2018 (EST) introducing a novel actuating material – nickel hydroxide-oxyhydroxide – that can be powered by visible (Vis) light, electricity, and other stimuli.
The material actuation can be instantaneously triggered by Vis light to produce a fast deformation and exert a force equivalent to 3000 times of its own weight. The material cost of a typical actuator is as low as HKD 4 per cm2 and can be easily fabricated within three hours. In addition to its Vis light actuation properties, this novel material system can also be actuated by electricity, enabling it to be integrated into the present well-developed robotics technology.
This nickel hydroxide-oxyhydroxide actuating material can have different applications in the future, including rescue robots or other mini-robots. The intrinsic actuating properties of the materials obtained from our research show that by scaling up the fabrication, artificial muscles comparable to that of mammalian skeletal muscles can be achieved, and applying it in robotics, human assist device and medical devices are possible.
The research team will meet the media to share the research findings. Details of the press briefing are as follows:
Date: May 31, 2018 (tomorrow)
11:00 Press briefing at Conference Room, Room 515, 5/F, Haking Wong Building, HKU, Pokfulam, HK (MTR HKU Station Exit A2)
11:30 Demonstration at Materials Science (Teaching) Laboratory, Room 329, 3/F, Haking Wong Building, HKU
- Professor Alfonso Ngan Hing-wan, Chair Professor in Materials Science and Engineering, Kingboard Professor in Materials Engineering, and Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, HKU
- Dr Kenneth Kwan Kin-wa, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, HKU
Media enquiry:
Faculty of Engineering Ms Rhea Leung (Tel: 3917-8519/ 9022-7446; Email: [email protected])
Communication and Public Affairs Office:
Ms Trinni Choy, Assistant Director (Media) tel: 2859 2606/ email: [email protected]
Ms Rashida Suffiad, Senior Manager (Media) tel: 2857 8555/ email: [email protected]