HKU Ronald Coase Centre for Property Rights Research to release
Report on the Long Term New Land Production Mechanisms and Strategies
24 Jul 2017
A research led by Chair Professor Chau Kwong-wing and Professor Lawrence Lai Wai-chung, Ronald Coase Centre for Property Rights Research, HKUrbanLab of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) reviewed the history of new land production by reclamation in Hong Kong from the 19th Century to 2015 and the institutional mechanism for strategic planning concerning reclamation from the mid-1880s to 2016.
The study has been the largest and most comprehensive one on reclamation in Hong Kong since the government’s announcement in 1989 the new Hong Kong International Airport project at Chek Lap Kok which involved the construction of an artificial island formed by terracing the original island and extensive reclamation.
Professor Chau is an expert in real estate economics and Professor Lai is an expert in urban planning who had work experience as a town planner in the Strategic Planning Unit of the Lands & Works Branch and an Environmental Protection Officer in the Environmental Protection Department.
They will release research findings and make recommendations for the establishment of a land bank in Hong Kong including measures straddling 2047. Details of the press conference are as follows:
Date: July 26, 2017 (Wednesday)
Time: 11am
Venue: Department of Real Estates and Construction Room, Rm 531, 5/F.Knowles Building, HKU
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Melanie Wan (Senior Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 email: [email protected].