HKU Council establishes working group on
the Report of the Review Panel on University Governance
28 Feb 2017
At its meeting held today (February 28), the Council of the University received and considered the “Report of the Review Panel on University Governance” authored by Professor Sir Malcolm Grant and Professor William Kirby as well as the Addendum from Mr Peter Van Tu Nguyen, both of which were submitted earlier this month.
After deliberation, the Council resolved to establish a Working Group which is charged with the task to propose the necessary policies, processes, arrangements, as well as the overseeing mechanism for their implementation. It will also look into those individual recommendations that require further study, including those on which there have been different views from Panel members for advice to the Council.
The Working Party will be chaired by Dr Brian Stevenson with Professor Henry Chan, Professor Joseph Chan, Mrs Ayesha Lau, Dr Patrick Poon and Professor Rosie Young as members.
On behalf of the Council, Chairman Professor Arthur Li thanked Professor Grant, Professor Kirby and Mr Nguyen for their tremendous efforts and valuable contributions to the review.
“The perspectives presented in the Report and Addendum are valuable and will help the University make informed decisions on its future governance. The advice from the Panel members will also form a solid basis for facilitating the University’s realisation of its strategic visions, which are essential in its pursuit of excellence,” said Professor Li.
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