HKU responds to the media regarding a complaint case
06 May 2016
In regard to recent media reports about a complaint case in relation to Professor Yang Dan, the University of Hong Kong confirms that the investigation committee has dismissed the complaint of research misconduct against Professor Yang. The University will follow up on the observations and recommendations of the investigation committee to ensure research integrity and good practices are upheld.
Additionally, the Journal of the American Chemistry Society (JACS) has notified its acceptance of the supplementary information by Professor Yang’s research team on April 17, 2016 for the article “Molecular Imaging of Peroxynitrite with HKGreen-4 in Live Cells and Tissues”. The article is published in the JASC today (May 6, 2016).
The University reiterates that it takes matters of research responsibility and conduct very seriously. We have high expectations for our academic members that they conduct their research following high international codes of conduct. We have clear policies and guidelines for research and an established stringent procedure dealing with research misconduct allegations. (
As to procedural propriety, Provost Professor Paul Tam had followed the established practices and procedures, declaring before the commencement of the investigation his interest regarding his past collaborations with Professor Yang on research projects in early years. Due procedures have been followed throughout. It should also be noted that Professor Tam is not a member of the investigation committee which had acted independently with assistance of experts and the legal adviser. The University respects and accepts the conclusion and recommendations made by the independent committee.
In light of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the principle of confidentiality, it is not appropriate for the University to disclose or comment on other details of the investigation.
For media enquiries, please contact: Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 / email: [email protected].