HKU weekly notice (from August 29 to September 5, 2015)
28 Aug 2015
Mountains Ablaze: The Republic and the Sino-Japanese War 1912–1946
This autumn, The University Museum and Art Gallery is privileged to present Mountains Ablaze: The Republic and the Sino-Japanese War 1912–1946, an exhibition detailing the history of China during the first half of the twentieth century. Chinese history is World History, and the documents on display demonstrate that international connections, and public and diplomatic relations, are inseparable from China’s political and social developments.
This second sequence follows the first Mountains Ablaze exhibition, which focused on the late Qing dynasty and the eve of Imperial China. Connected with the rise of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the present edition concentrates on the enormous efforts that went into building a republic and the foreign contact that influenced the politics of the day and China’s reception for years to come.
Opening Ceremony
Date: September 2, 2015 (Wed)
Time: 18:00
Details of the Exhibition
Period: September 4, 2015 (Fri) – November 15, 2015 (Sun)
Opening Hours:
09:30 – 18:00 (Mon to Sat)
13:00 – 18:00 (Sun)
Closed on University and Public Holidays
Venue: 1/F T.T. Tsui Building, University Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong, 90 Bonham Road, Pokfulam
Tel/Email: (852) 2241 5500 (General Enquiry) / [email protected]
Fees: Free Admission