HKU Centre for Comparative and Public Law to hold
Domestic Workers’ Roundtable
24 Apr 2015
Issues affecting Domestic Migrant Workers have recently come to the fore with various cases that highlight just how serious and complex the circumstances impacting the rights of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong are. As populations age and incomes rise, the demand for domestic workers is increasing. Yet the problems domestic workers face, including predatory and illegal lending practices, abuse by employers, falling prey to human trafficking, and vulnerability to violent crime, as well as cruel and inhumane treatment, persist without satisfactory protection of their interests and rights.
To explore these issues, and particularly what sending and receiving governments can do to address the situation more comprehensively to ensure enhanced protection of domestic workers against exploitative practices and vulnerability to ending up in such situations, the Centre for Comparative and Public Law (CCPL) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Public Interest Law and Advocacy Society (PILAS) will hold a one-day structured dialogue tomorrow (April 25, Saturday).
The morning sessions are closed-door, media representatives are welcome to join the discussion sessions in the afternoon and to conduct interviews with attendees. A press conference will be held at 5:30pm to conclude the day’s discussions.
The keynote speaker is Mr Melville Boase, former Hong Kong Crown Attorney and long term advocate on behalf of domestic worker rights. There will be presentations by representatives from the Indonesian Consulate and the Philippines Consulate. Other speakers and moderators include Ms Emily Lau, Legislative Council member; Mr Allan Bell, Director of Hong Kong Public Interest Law & Advocacy Society (PILAS); Ms Puja Kapai, Director of Centre for Comparative and Public Law (CCPL), University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law; and Mr David Bishop, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Business and Economics.
Details are as follows:
Date: April 25, 2015 (Saturday)
2 to 5:15pm (discussions)
5:30pm (press conference)
Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU. A map of the venue is available at
The following is a brief overview of the afternoon’s session; for further details, please visit the CCPL website at:
2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Review of Morning Proceedings & Introduction to the Afternoon Panels
Speakers/Moderator: Allan Bell (Director of PILAS) and Hon. Emily Lau (Member of LegCo)
2:10 PM – 2:35 PM
Presentation: Indonesian Consulate
Moderator: Hon. Emily Lau (Member of LegCo)
2:35 PM – 3:00 PM
Presentation: Philippines Consulate
Moderator: Hon. Emily Lau (Member of LegCo)
3:15 PM – 4:15 PM
Inspirational Leaders
Moderator: Archana Kotecha (Head of Legal, PILAS)
4:15 PM – 5:10 PM
The Way Forward – Outcomes and Recommendations
Moderator: Hon. Emily Lau (Member of LegCo)
5:10 PM – 5:15 PM
Closing Remarks
Puja Kapai (Director of CCPL)
5:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Press Conference
For media enquiries and requests for interview with the participants, please contact Dr. Sherif Elgebeily email: [email protected]; tel: 3917 1938.