HKU Department of Real Estate & Construction to launch online platform on Building Maintenance Cost (BMC) Database and Estimator
09 Mar 2015
Building neglect has been a long-standing problem in Hong Kong. According to a LegCo paper in 2010, the number of buildings in Hong Kong aged 50 or above was 4,000, and the number would increase by 500 each year. These aged buildings have already exceeded their design serviceable life. The Buildings Department’s (BD) inspection after the collapse of a 55-year-old building in Ma Tau Wai Road on January 29, 2010 revealed that one in four buildings aged 50 years or above have maintenance and repair problems. The building conditions survey carried out by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) of 7,000 buildings aged 30 years or above found that 20% of these buildings were in dilapidated condition to various degrees.
However, building maintenance is usually complicated and expensive and repairs require extensive professional input. As most building owners do not have the expert knowledge, experience, and time to professionally manage or maintain their buildings, they are vulnerable to exploitative methods such as bid-rigging and price inflation by unscrupulous consultants and contractors whom they consult when undertaking building maintenance projects.
A research team of the Department of Real Estate & Construction of the University of Hong Kong was commissioned in 2014 by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) through Versitect, HKU’s technology transfer company, to conduct a pilot study on the matter. The research team, led by Professor K.W. Chau, has reviewed the building maintenance cost data of 426 Operation Building Bright (OBB) projects that were managed by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) between 2009 and 2013. A statistical model has been developed to produce a quick indicative maintenance cost estimate based on the two most significant factors, the total number of units and the number of storeys in a building, which affected the final maintenance cost of the OBB projects.
A dedicated interactive online platform, including a Building Maintenance Cost (BMC) Database and a BMC Estimator will be launched to disseminate the findings of this pilot project. Building owners can make use of the estimator for an estimation of the maintenance cost of their building.
The research team will hold a press conference to announce the launch of the online platform and release its findings. Details are as follow:
Date: March 12, 2015 (Thursday)
Time: 11:00am
Venue: Room KB531, 5/F. Knowles Building, HKU
The Department of Real Estate & Construction, the University of Hong Kong, has been initiating and continuing research projects that are committed to ensuring the proper safety and conditions of buildings in Hong Kong since the late 1990s. The Building Health and Hygiene Index (BHHI) and the Building Safety & Condition Index (BSCI) were among these research projects which have attracted public attention and impacted the local community.
For media enquiries, please contact: Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 email: [email protected] or Ms Melanie Wan (Senior Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 email: [email protected]