HKU weekly notice (from January 17 to January 24, 2015)
16 Jan 2015
Winter Institute 2015
Stimulating and Incubating Interdisciplinary Research on Learning
Public Lecture — Sin Wai-Kin Distinguished Visiting Professorship in the Humanities
Inaugural Lecture - Science of Learning Public Lecture Series
Science of Learning - Why it matters to schools and families?
by Prof. Laura-Ann PETITTO, Sin Wai-Kin Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities, The University of Hong Kong; Full Professor, Department of Psychology, Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C. USA
Chair by Professor Stephen Andrews, Dean of Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Respondent: Dr. K K Chan, Deputy Secretary for Education, Education Bureau, HKSAR
Date: January 17, 2015 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Venue: Rayson Huang Theater, HKU
What is the Science of Learning? The 21st Century presents challenges for our children and society like none ever in the history of our species. It is now “normal” for children to interact with, and learn from, machines on a daily basis (e.g., tablets, mobile phones, moocs) spanning home and classroom. Our children will grow up to learn new knowledge that is presently yet to be discovered. While we cannot prepare for every type of new knowledge that is to come, we can best prepare by understanding how we learn. The Science of Learning is an interdisciplinary field that involves the integration of research and knowledge across multiple disciplines to form a powerful new lens on learning. Science of Learning studies yield new discoveries about how we learn most optimally, how different types of knowledge domains draw on different types of learning mechanisms, as learning is not “one size fits all” (learning math is different from learning to read, etc.). Learning both changes the human brain and differs across the lifespan. A critical question is how can we use these research discoveries to design and promote optimal learning across life, as well as educational practice and policy for our children so that they may have the social and cognitive agility to face and survive an ever-evolving technological future? We will explore the roots of this exciting interdisciplinary science and the broad range of questions that researchers ask and answer. Why are combined brain and behavior studies revolutionizing our understanding of learning? (What does the brain tell us anyway?) I will provide an illustrative example of how Science of Learning researchers have provided stunning new insights into the developing brain of the bilingual child. This work bursts old myths about bilingualism, dispels old fears regarding learning, informs us of developmental imperatives for enabling children to achieve the most powerful bilingual learning—and which provides a new view on the very nature of human learning. Policy makers in the Education Bureau, school organizations, principals, teachers, parents and all interested in the future of society are invited to come!
About the speaker
Professor/Dr. Laura-Ann Petitto
Co-Principal Investigator, and, Science Director of the National Science Foundation, Science of Learning Center, Visual Language and Visual Learning (VL2).
Scientific Director: Brain and Language Laboratory for Neuroimaging (BL2)
Full Professor: Department of Psychology, Gallaudet University
Affiliated Full Professor: Department of Psychology, Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. USA
Web page:
Sin Wai-Kin Distinguished Visiting Professorship in the Humanities Lecture
China in Transition: The Impact of Xi Jinping
Date: January 21, 2015 (Wednesday)
Time: 6pm
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, The University of Hong Kong
Professor Roderick MacFarquhar
Sin Wai-Kin Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities
The University of Hong Kong
Leroy B Williams Research Professor of History and Political Science
Department of Government, Harvard University
Enquiries: Ms. Florence Luk (Email: [email protected] )
"Conforming to Vicinity – A Cross-Strait Four-Region Artistic Exchange Project 2014" at the University Museum and Art Gallery
The project showcases the latest artworks by thirteen artists from Hong Kong, Mainland, Macao and Taiwan. The project is curated by the chief curator, Feng Bo-yi, and the curators of the four regions, Sarah Ng Sau-wah (Hong Kong), Noah Ng Fong-chao (Macao), Hsu Woan-jen (Taiwan) and Gou Xian-xu (Mainland) and is participated by thirteen artists.
Details of the exhibition
Period: November 15, 2014 (Saturday) to February 1, 2015 (Sunday)
Venue: University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU
Opening Hours:
09:30 – 18:00 (Monday to Saturday)
13:00 – 18:00 (Sunday)
Closed on University and Public Holidays
For details, please visit
Tel/Email: (852) 2241 5500 (General Enquiry) / [email protected]