Finding Consensus amidst Controversies - HKU stages the Big Debate on Retirement Protection
09 Nov 2014
Retirement protection has been a controversial issue for decades in Hong Kong and the prospect of a consensus seems remote. The Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong takes on a public policy analysis framework to pull divergent views together and engage stakeholders in a constructive dialogue to look for common grounds in finding a solution to reduce elderly poverty.
The “Public Policy Forum – Retirement Protection in Hong Kong: Rethinking an Age Old Controversy” to be held on November 10, 2014 (Monday) focuses on problem definition as an approach to identifying common grounds and thus opportunities for consensus building. A problem is a formulation of the essence of an undesirable phenomenon that provides an anchor point for possible policy actions. In rethinking the problem, the Faculty of Social Sciences has invited experts representing the wide spectrum of intellectual thinking and perspectives on the retirement protection issue in Hong Kong to join the Forum. They are Professor Nelson W.S. Chow, Mr. Chua Hoi Wai, Professor Wong Hung, Professor Richard Y.C. Wong, Dr. David Y.K. Wong, and Ms. Anna Wu.
Media representatives are cordially invited to attend the press briefing and Forum with the details as below:
Date: November 10, 2014 (Monday)
Part 1: Press Briefing
- Professor Christine M.S. Fang, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU
- Professor Cecilia L.W. Chan, Head, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU
- Professor Wai-Fung Lam, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU
Time: 3:00pm
Venue: Room 1110, 11/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Part 2: Public Policy Forum – Retirement Protection in Hong Kong: Rethinking an Age Old Controversy
Time: 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Venue: Social Sciences Chamber, 11/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
For media enquiries, please contact:
Miss Vanessa Sit, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU (Tel: 39171203 / 92678877; Email: [email protected])
Ms. Melanie Wan, Communication and Public Affairs Office, HKU (Tel:28592600 Email: [email protected])