"Suicide Prevention: One World Connected"
2014 World Suicide Prevention Day Press conference
05 Sep 2014
The HKJC Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention (CSRP) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) will collaborate with two suicide prevention NGOs to hold a press conference on the World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10 (Wednesday). The 2014 international theme for World Suicide Prevention Day is 'Suicide Prevention: One World Connected.'
At the conference, CSRP will release the latest suicide rates in Hong Kong and related demographic characteristics. The centre will also release recent research findings on suicidal risks of people “disconnected” from society, from groups including the cyber youth and the elderly. The challenges and opportunities to reconnect with these people making use of the various resources in an internet era will also be discussed. Two NGOs, Suicide Prevention Services (SPS) and the Samaritans will share experience on how to reach out and engage the disconnected people using various approaches. The press conference will call on the various stakeholders in society to join efforts and resources for the enhancement of people’s wellbeing and to save life.
Details of the press conference are as follows:
Date: September 10, 2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 2 pm(Media registration starts at 1:30 pm)
Venue: Studio 1, 2/F, HKJC Building for Interdisciplinary Research, 5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, HK
Professor Paul Yip. CSRP Director, HKU;
Mr. Vincent Ng, Executive Director of SPS
Ms. Liz Chamberlain, Chairman of the Samaritans
1. Professor Paul Yip releases the latest suicide rates in Hong Kong and introduces recent research findings from the CSRP including:
- latest suicide rates in Hong Kong and the demographic characteristics;
- Research findings from a recent study on Cyber youth and their mental health;
- Research findings from a recent study on online search and spreading of charcoal burning suicide;
- Research findings from a recent study on elderly residents’ social activities and subjective well-being;
- Challenges and opportunities to connect disconnected people in the Internet era.
2. Mr. Vincent Ng introduces SPS’s services and responses to the challenges and opportunities to connect disconnected people.
3. Ms. Liz Chamberlain introduces the Samaritans’ services and responses to the challenges and opportunities to connect disconnected people.
4. Questions and answers
About HKJC Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention (CSRP), HKU
Founded in 2002, the CSRP has been promoting the use of Public Health Approach in tackling suicide problems in Hong Kong. The CSRP has established its reputation in suicide research and prevention worldwide and extended its research scope to well-being of individuals as well as the whole society. The CSRP believes in that empirical research would optimize practices and ultimately contribute to the improvement of a society.
About Suicide Prevention Services (SPS)
Suicide Prevention Services (SPS) serves people who are suicidal, despairing or distressed by means of befriending and other services supporting them to regain control of their emotions and the will to live on. We also aim at raising general awareness towards suicide and identifying ways in which suicide can be effectively addressed. Services include 24-hour Suicide Prevention Hotline, Suicide Prevention Service for the Elderly, Services for Survivors of Suicide Loss, Community & Life Education. Hotline: 2382 0000
About the Samaritans, Hong Kong
The Samaritans is an independent, non-profit, non-religious organization established in 1974 for giving confidential emotional support to people who are suicidal or are in general distress regardless of their background and demographic attribute. Our 24-hour multilingual hotline service is operated by trained volunteers. In addition, we have a Befriending email service for people who prefer writing to talking. Hotline: 2896 0000
For media enquiries, please call Mr. Rickey Yau at tel: 2831 5232, or send email to: [email protected].